
Friday, May 20, 2011

Framed Art

Here's a little project with a long history in the making. I've had this tin ceiling tile for what seems like ages. While working on different JunkFest projects, it never quite fit or created the look I was going for. Low and behold in my "to throw" pile I eyed this glass-long-gone window frame that looked to be about the same size...yesiree - it appeared a marriage was about to occur!Simple nails with heads large enough to grab the tin where attached to the frame and holy cats, folks - I actually had a nice piece of "art"!But I couldn't stop there. Maybe I needed to add a few black and white photographs?

This photo of my little nieces was perfect. I added magnets to some old earrings for a bit of sparkle, even though these little girls don't need any more sparkle - they are adorable just the way they are!

A quick spray of poly so more paint won't peel was the ticket.

It makes a pretty big "statement" now all framed in my spare bedroom!

I also glued magnets to these random numbers...I adore the look of black, silver and white together.


Sure hope you're having a great junky day!


  1. Hey - that ROCKS!!! I love it! I'll take one please, thank you!

    ;-D robelyn

    p.s. Your nieces are ADORABLE!!!!!

  2. Great marriage of the window frame and tin piece, it looks awesome!!

  3. LOve it! I have six large ceiling tiles in my garage...very rusty and peeling...after I clean them up a bit, I'll take your advice and spray them with poly. Good idea

  4. I love it..Two items becoming one great piece of art..Genius..It looks awesome..Have a great weekend..

  5. Awesome piece. I love it when pieces from months or years apart fit together.

  6. This turned out to be one of the best projects I've seen yet! How cool is that? I love the earring and number magnets too and yes, those are definitely two little princesses there! Congrats on a fab project! Junk on! ~Leena!

  7. Wow. This is incredible. Love it!

  8. Yeah, so cute and the girls are just precious! I love anything you can stick a magnet on. Fabulous!


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