
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If you can't make it....

Hello readers! I want to start this post off by letting you all in on a little secret. Or perhaps a misconception, if you will. If you're a junker, then you already know this and can skip down to the next paragraph...Junkers are very clever, resoursceful people. We can pull rabbits out of hats. We make things out of other "things" that most people would discard. Give us some string (vintage, of course!) a couple rusty hinges and some dried out barnwood and we've got the makings of the most gorgeous bar, hoosier cabinet, or bench you've ever seen! Did I mention, some of us exaggerate a bit? Anywho, when we can't make it or find it....we buy it!

Case in point:

I have long been pining for one or many of these curvy French-style chairs. The vintage variety seem to be almost non-existent here in NDWOJ (North Dakota world of junk). During a recent stop at a TJ Maxx store, I spotted a pair of these lovelies. The chair gods were smiling down on me!

These girls were already dressed in creamy canvas fabric and bedazzled in swirly, stampy, illegible typography! I didn't have to do a thing to them, except load them into my vehicle and take them home....serendipity!

Graceful, subtle curves....

Distressed in all the right places...


The resident pooch even gave her nod of approval.

It's my new favorite spot in the house! Her partner is residing upstairs in my sewing/craft room....which you'll get a peek at soon.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!


  1. ooo yes I have spied these here as well.
    They are gorgeous, the only thing I want to change about them is...I want wheels on the bottom so I can use it as a studio chair that will slide me around as I work.

  2. Great find! Out TJ Maxx told me about some that came on the floor and sold the instant she put them out! I can see why! Love um!

  3. How cool! Even a junk pro needs a break now and then. Glad the timing was right for you!

    Now, sit back for just a moment and look at these BLUE skies today!!! (I just had to journal -- in a slightly odd manner -- that we have BLUE skies and SUNSHINE today!)

  4. Love these Cassie - and when you get tired of them, you know where I live!

  5. I aodre that script fabric and those curvy Frenchy chairs - lucky you to have found a set! I don't imagine that they last in a store too long, so your timing was impeccible LOL! Did you know that TJMaxx and Home Goods are owned by the same company? Often, you can find the same goods at both. That reminds me; I'm about due for a "look-see" shopping trip! Enjoy your glorious finds!! ~Lena~

  6. Those are fabulous! Absolutely worth buying new. :)

  7. What a fabulous find! And when you get bored with them as is, you can work your magic on them.

  8. Wow, Cassie! You lucky girl! Those are just fabulous!!!!!!! Who would'ave thought TJ??? :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. There is nothing about those chairs (apart from being in N.D. instead of TX) that I don't love! I imagine you saved a boatload of money by buying them at TJMaxx too! I heart TJM almost as much as I do your chairs.


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