
Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Farmhouse Table

See anything you like? MEEEEE TOOOOOO!!!!!!!

That ruff and tuff table with the chippy white legs....she was one of my picks. Yay!

Ironically, it didn't look in any better shape once it was in my barn. :( Isn't there some magic "trailer fairy" that fixes up your junk while in transport? If anyone knows of one please share!

The top was a bit rough so I sanded. And sanded. And sanded.

Then I sanded with both hands! Enough already!

Just look at that chippyliscousness though. So worth it!

Kind of reminds me of my own legs...and their imperfections. HA.

On to the staining. I used my all time FAVORITE stain (with sheen included) in Plantation Walnut.

To my dismay this product from a company that rhymes with MINWAX has been discontinued and replaced with a waterbased alternate....which is no where close to the same color. Uhg.

(I would say a few more things about how I really feel about that particular company discontinuing my favorite stain, but I decided to keep my post clean.)

A few coats of satin poly to make it "eat and drink" ready and straight to my kitchen it went.

Taa. Daa.

Linking to:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

The DIY Show Off


  1. Oh my gosh I LOVE your farmhouse table ~ I am on a hunt for one right now ~

    It looks awesome!!


  2. That looks GREAT ! and.... I have one that USETA look just like this, except it was never painted, and I think the legs were chunkier. I had seen a picture (in Country Sampler) of a coffee table made out of a round claw foot table and decided I wanted one; when my Grandparents in law wanted to get rid of a square table similar to yours, I decided a square table would do too. So...after I stripped the table, ( it was nasty...) we took the legs off the square table, my DH & DS turned some new, shorter legs for it, I oiled it, and our coffee table was born. THEN, they got rid of a maple butcherblock workbench at DH's work, so he cut that down to size, hinged it to a storage box, and used the original table legs, and made me a kitchen island with storage under the top! I just love it, and for extra storage, I use a tall wicker basket that sits underneath that I bought at Junk-Fest a few years ago. WORKS GREAT ! We made the coffee table & kitchen island over 15 years ago, and I don't know how I ever got along without them !


  3. Wow! Your table looks great! Love how you mixed the modern leather chairs with her! Great job!

  4. Could you show us a few more pictures of your house! Please!

  5. Beautiful job! The finished top looks amazing and nothing beats chippy white paint! Love it.

  6. Beautiful! You did a wonderful job on the top. The things I buy usually look worse when I get them home.

    (And what the heck rhymes with Minwax? )

  7. Beautiful table. What a transformation.

  8. The only thing totally wrong with this is that it isn't in MY house.


    How cool.

    Have you looked on line for the discontinued product? We have a floor cleaner we love that was discontinued. I found two cases on e-bay and we're stocked up for a long while now.

    Just a thought.

  9. Just beautiful! I'm so impressed by your work on the top.

  10. Good grief... what a FIND. Amazing detailing on those legs!


  11. Nice legs Missy :) Love this table! Laurel

  12. HOLY COW, that looks great! love it and would welcome it into my kitchen any ol day!

  13. The table looks fabulous... love the chippiness of the legs and hate for you that your favorite stain is gone.. that is always such a bummer!

  14. I love your farmhouse table and the stain turned out great with the chippy painted legs. Lots of character and great job. Glad to find you and I will be back.

  15. It‘s so nice that I found your blog about your link on 'Between Naps on the Porch'. Of course I’ve scrolled a little and like what I see. Now I’m your newest follower! ;)

    Take care

  16. What a gorgeous table and a lucky find!! I would love it if you would link this up to my party A Marvelous Mess....each week I pick one project to feature on my sidebar!! Here is the link:

  17. Ta-da! is right! You worked your magic on that bad boy...and it looks great!
    I had to sit and stare at the after-- I almost looked too good.
    Love it, Pat

  18. Gawjus! I love the shape and finish! Thanks for sharing.
    PS love your song! :)
    scissors & Spatulas

  19. So nice! That turned out great. Very jealous of your find!! I'll need to hunt for a similar piece.

  20. haha You are a funny girl, you know that!

    Dynamite-looking table! And that picture of it standing tall in your home? Mah-vel-ous!

  21. helllllllllooooooooo farm table! GOOD GRIEF that thing ROCKS!!! LOVE it!

    ;-D robelyn

  22. Crummy to Yummy doesn't begin to cover it (although it's a great title!) -- this is beautiful and I really could not have imagined it could be this lovely! Great job!

  23. Seriously yummy, Melissa! Love that table! We would have fought over it if I had been there! lol! :)

    xoxo laurie


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