
Monday, September 5, 2011

Time For School!!!

Signs of autumn are just starting to be all around us, and with the kids going back to school, two things are for sure...

...the grocery bill will be less,

...and JUNKFEST is just around the corner! *WINK*

These desks once stood in the Sykeston Parish School. I'm thinking they held some pretty mischevious boys by the names of Dennis, Gary, Richard, Jimmy, Jerry, Duane, and more! ( I hear tell that the Nuns would do their best to keep these boys in line but occasionally had to give them a slap on the hand with the ruler...those silly naughty boys!)


  1. Just around the corner?! Yay!!! Cannot. Wait.

  2. Oh, what a lovely September post! Love the golden light in your pictures! I've had a slap or two on the hand myself. Poor fellas.

  3. LOL! Those desks are AWESOME!!! I sometimes wonder about my son and what he's carved his name in to...

    I'm ready for cooler temps...
    I wish I was on my way to Junkfest!!! augh!

    ;-D robelyn

  4. Love em, hope you gals are doing good, I carved me out a little time to blog this morning so I had to come by and see what u gals have been up to! Janna


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