
Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Giveaway! ..and a winter's day re-purpose

We are just tickled pink that one of our loyal junkers
took the time to submit our Autumn JUNKFEST
to Flea Market Style magazine as one of the best vintage sales!

THANKS....We love you, Nickole!
(contact us Nickole...we have a little gift for you)

Well, one good deed deserves another....
so, we've decided to give away a houndstooth tote
(the perfect accessory for your Flea Market jaunts)
and a brand new copy of Flea Market Style magazine.
These magazines have been known to fly off the shelves!
If you haven't gotten one yet...and you are looking for some vintage inspiration,'s your chance!

To enter, just answer these questions in a comment:

Will see your smiling face at our next show, on September 8?

..and what piece of awesome. junky. goodness. are you searching for?

(please include your email address so we can contact you if you win)
On March 10th we will have a random drawing from all of the comments.

Since our mild winter was put on hold the last few days,
I have to admit,
it was pretty easy to curl up on the couch
and page through some of my favorite magazines.
...winter does have it's perks!

Surprisingly, I even braved the cold for a quick makeover.
This old (and heavy!) cement base used to hold a birdbath tray.

It was a great pedestal, but with such a narrow top,
it wasn't very practical for holding anything.

I was at a loss as to how I could attach anything to the top of the pedestal..
I didn't want to drill into it for fear of cracking it.

I got lucky and found a metal piece of some kind that fit snugly over the "neck"
and would allow me to secure some kind of top piece to it.

She definitely needed some kind of top...but what would work?

On a whim, I decided to try this old round grate...

It fit perfectly over the metal cap.
I love the rust and the swirls.
I love the contrast of the metal and the cement.
Now, she is a one of a kind table.

Set by a patio chair, she would work great to hold a cup of coffee,
or a potted plant...
or a statue...
or top her with a piece of glass and she would make a unique bedside table.

I think she's kind of charming now.
Mother nature isn't quite ready yet...
but I can't wait to put a pot of beautiful flowers on her!

Sigh....a girl can dream!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway and leave a comment!...

...Cause until you see some of these

there is always a chance for a little snow day....
and the perfect opportunity to curl up with a good magazine
and a steamy cup o joe!...

...while you admire your new houndstooth tote!



  1. Just stunning the pic of the snow and flowers. Also on the look out for some industrial lighting getting way hard to find.

  2. I so hope to make the show!! I am looking old wood ladder, the perfect one, metal baskets, and vintage linens.

  3. Sorry you won't see me at the show - Utah is so far away! I 'm on the hunt for an old library card catalog.... Love the houndstooth!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Junkfest happens to fall out on my anniversary this year, but sorry hubby, I'll be at Junkest! Looking for some blueprints and gears for my son's industrial bedroom.

  6. Oh yes will be at the show. This is considered a national holiday in my junking calendar. I will be on the search for funky-junk storage options and anything else that screams "TAKE ME HOME!".

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So sorry I won't be at the show!
    I Live in Wisconsin and it's to far away :(
    I'm looking for old ladders, metal baskets,
    rusty items, etc...
    I haven't been able to find the FMS magazine
    in my area yet!

    1. I've never missed a junkfest yet! I'd love to find some vintage silver trophies!

    2. Sandra, I have seen the FMS magazine at WalMart (of all places)

    3. WON! I will email you for your mailing address.

  9. It will be my first time to hit the fest! Forever searching for old maps, metal, and garden stuff! Hope to see you there!

    1. Doors open promptly at 9am...make sure you get there a little early, so you can participate in the "dash to the door"...always an awesome sight!! See you there!

  10. I have one of these round grates and have always wondered how to make it your idea! Thanks for sharing it...cheers!

  11. Yes I will be there, we had so much fun last year as "newbies" to JunkFest. I am currently on the lookout for mini-vintage medicine bottles, perfume bottles, etc...for "vases" for my daughter "Vintage/Shabby Chic" wedding in July! Also looking for vintage ivory colored doilies for under the larger vases. :)

  12. case I win the fabulous prize my e-mail is

  13. Wahoo!!! I am so honored they used my comment in the Flea Market Style magazine! You ladies sooo deserve it I absolutely LOVE Junk Fest. I have found the coolest things to accessorize my house with, and can't wait to come this next fall! I posted a pic of the windows is bought on my FB page, but I can't seem to figure out how to share them on your Junk Fest home page. If you would like to see them friend me and share them to your JF FB page. So fun. :)

    Congrats Ladies!!

    Nickole Steiner

  14. No need to run around looking for a copy of Flea Market Style magazine, Nickole...we saved one just for you!...please email us your mailing address and we will send a little gift package your way! Thanks again for being such a loyal JunkFest fan/follower/shopper/groupie!! HA HA We love you!


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