
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Farm Implement Repurpose

On a farmstead visit a few weeks ago I found this interesting clip.  Just gotta say, I love old gagets and rusty stuff.

The farmer also had a few of these curved iron pieces he said came from a feed grinder.  My mind initially thought this would work to hold up my daisies in the garden.
However, the clip intrigued me.  It is quite large and my mind was turning and turning at the thought of what to do with it...

So, I dug out the Liquid this stuff.
My narrow minded wine drinking brain realized a wine cork would fit snug as a bug in a rug in the totally know where I am going with this, don't you???

Next up was my buddy, polyurethane.  Great rust color comes alive with a spritz of it.  Both pieces got a good spray.

Here's the clip and wine cork ready to go...

Yep - my new WINE BOTTLE HOLDER and its embellishment!

You see, the curved piece can sit a couple different ways to hold wine bottles...this way or

this way.  Either is way cool.
It came together perfectly
with a little help from an farmer. 

Quite simply put, it's a marriage of perfect farm junk!


  1. Sigh....another brilliant repurposing idea. Blogs like yours have me rescuing things from peoples' trash that "must be good for something". If only I had your imagination to figure out what that "something" is. But I've got the stuff, in case inspiration ever hits!
    (Is this an illness, do you think?)

  2. Are you kidding me? This is an awesome find and awesome idea! Now, to get to a farm.......

  3. So cute and clever! Brilliant! Hugs, Leena

  4. Thank heavens!

    I thought you were repurposing a hoe.


    That was a horrible joke.

    But your project is awfully cute!

    Even if it isn't throwing out stiletto heels and red lipstick.



    I think I need a nap!

  5. Awesome idea. Holding wine is so much more fun than holding daisies.

  6. Great bottle holder! Would love one of my own.


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