
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sharing the Stylings of a true Junk Queen!

Want some awesome ideas
for using your unique and junk-y finds? 
Just take a look at this FABULOUS bathroom remodel crafted by
 Donna from Funky Junk Interiors :

There is no doubt that Donna has a love and passion and 
an absolute knack for transforming 
cast offs into FABULOUS DECOR…
 she also has a keen eye for editing!

When you are working with junk,
I really think that you have to be able to edit.
Donna is a master at this!
She really knows how to use her unique finds
in a way that still lets her room look

*I think mixing the old with the new is the key*

The rusty license plates and old yardsticks look wonderful against the clean black paint of her brand new vanity and mirror.

The weathered patina on the ladder is a nice contrast to the
 fresh white towels and crisply painted wall
…as are the old hooks and game boards.

I love the contrasts of the old against the new and think that is why her bathroom design is a big "YES!" 

To see in detail how Donna created this clean and bright farmhouse look, click here:

So, in September, 
when you are attending the 10th annual
 JUNKFEST and Flea Market 
..and you see some rusty license plates,
a worn ladder,
or some other interesting treasure
 know that you CAN mix them into a modern home…
and, if you edit well,
 they will add character, without adding clutter.

When I remodeled my kitchen a few years ago,
I really wanted to add some architectural salvage to the mix.
I could have gone hog wild with that concept
as I had a storage building FULL of treasures!
SERIOUSLY! Hoarder territory.
But I decided to permanently attach just 2 pieces:

On a fun junking trip with the girls,
 I spied 2 old corbels that I just had to have.
I thought they would fit perfectly under my stove hood…

* I think they add a nice bit of character *

Especially their authentic, chipped patina
against the shiny new subway tile….
I just LOVE the contrast of old against new!

I singled out the corbels to attach permanently,
but I still like to add other funky and junky accents.

I have a serious love of statues of all kinds!
- I try to use restraint and only allow one in a room-

This guy had a broken base and couldn't stand up straight.
But, where there is a will, there is a way!
I had this adorable little drawer from an old sewing cabinet, I attached a vintage enamel number tag to the front, 
some old wooden knobs as feet on the bottom,
 and filled the drawer with plaster of paris to "cement" him in.
It worked!

Now that he can stand on his own,
 I think he's kinda awesome
and kind of unexpected in a kitchen.
Pots and pans and an artsy hunk o man!



  1. Thanks so much for the feature!! So appreciate the shoutout. And yeah... those corbels? They can come home with me anytime... :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE Donna's seemingly effortless "junk-infused" style! She is so inspiring!
    Your kitchen turned out amazing Lynette.....those corbels are the perfect touch! Tell that "hunk o man" any good in the kitchen?!

    1. Unfortunately, that "hunk o man" on the counter is not very bright... just eye candy!

      But my real hunk, Don, IS a very good cook & dishwasher… he would never ever let me cement him into a little drawer tho.

      I love them both…but for very different reasons! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


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