This morning I killed my back (lifting a near empty laundry basket - go figure), so tonight I decided since I'm on ice and can't work on my junk projects for
JunkFest 2010 I will try and find some inspiration in some saved photo's. While doing that I ran across photo's of the trip we junk girls made in May to Minneapolis. I heart Minneapolis!

Cassie already posted some great photo's of our trip, so I'll only throw in pics she didn't. I do manage to take pictures of various things along the way for inspiration so thought I'd show them. Plus, I wanna show ya what I bought!
First stop...HUNT & GATHER. Holy. Awesome.
Junkin'. Store. Sweet Melissa looks like she's moving in and
stayin' put!

I snapped this photo of the girls while they scoped out the front of the building...then I RAN inside!

This is where I found round paper charts for a whopping 20 cents each...isn't that an outrageous price?! (Just kidding!) I plan to use them as
place mats for a future
table scape. Cool huh?

I bought these dishes at Hunt & Gather also. They will also be part of my
tablescape. For the life of me I can't remember what the O.E.S. stands for. Help me out, people! I guess who really cares? The "S" stands for Star...and I love the star!

Might as well show you the napkins...I bought these numbered
lovely's from Pottery Barn when we stopped there since there's no PB in North Dakota. That's another great store, isn't it? These were in their clearance bin.

This red "R" reminded me of my high school marching band days in Ray, where I played clarinet...too funny! (They have EVERYTHING imaginable for sale at this store...see what I mean?!)

Then, we stopped at
Anthropologie. Sigh. The displays mixed with old junk were fab!

I debated about purchasing this A & B. First initials of my name and my hubby's name...he would probably think it was weird though, so I passed on them! Why didn't I buy the &?

I mean...get cool is this?

I'm pretty sure Lynette and Cassie never did come to a decision on which hardware they liked better... are

We nearly ran out of time, but had heard about City Salvage in downtown Minneapolis and wanted to stop...I snapped a photo of their store name outside on this!

Can you believe only me, myself and I fell in love with the metal, rusty Colonel Sanders at City Salvage?! I
seriously debated buying him, but found out he was

So, I just have the memories and photo to remember him by!

Sweet Melissa hit the jackpot of all old flash card jackpots...don't even remember which store at this point, sorry...

It took her 2-3/4 hours to decide which ones she was
buyin'... ;)...all I remember was I was starving and ready to eat!

So we did. They have the best lettuce wraps in the world. The whole wide world.
Gotta go change my ice pack. Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me! Remember, keep your eye out for really is everywhere!