Strange timing for a garden post?
As I sit wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, on a colder than cold North Dakota evening...a garden post full of sunshine and sweet summer colors seems to be just the ticket.
Awhile back I had the good fortune to come across this Gandy seeder/spreader. I'm not sure of it's age ...OLD, I'm guessing...but it's got great character. Check out those wheels. Yummy.
With built in drainage it makes a perfect planter. (I do have a window box planter inside, so the dirt wouldn't rest directly on the metal.)
I'm not much of a gardener, unfortunately. Neglect is my game. But on the bright side, I took these photos before things fell awry.
See the metal toolbox hiding in the flowers too?
Old farm goodies and rusty objects are perfect accessories for gardening.
Keep that in mind when spring rolls around...then head out to the barn or shop, or take in an auction or ten, and gather some new "old" garden accessories for your gardens!
Check out this vintage washing machine. Yet another past gardening container.
HERE is a post with more pics and how I prepared and planted it.

Now, if you're intrigued by repurposed and rusty garden candy, you might be interested in taking a look at the post we did after giving a presentation on gardening with JUNK.
You can find that post HERE
Linked to:SNS Junk Garden Planters
Common Ground-Be Inspired #125
Frugaliscious Friday
That is amazing! I'm dreaming of finding something like that! I love to collect old, rusty things for the it a little personality!