
Monday, March 30, 2009

I recently made a trip to Corvallis, OR for my niece's wedding. Although it was a short trip, we did manage to sneak in some time for one antique store and a Goodwill store. Anne was a beautiful bride, absolutely glowing!
Not only is she a peach of a gal, she's extremely talented and artsy in many ways! I was drooling like a fool while at her apartment, but unfortunately I didn't get any photographs of her incredibly fun decorating style....I smell another trip in the (near) future! From what I could tell just driving in from the airport, Corvallis has many second hand, junk, and thrift stores, in addition to the fabulous boutiques and shops downtown. If you're ever in the area, or have reason to visit, there's plenty to see and do!

Anne gave me some fabulous Bingo cards while I was there...I'm sure she saw me eye-balling them in her craft room! Thanks Anne! Love the color! Time to get my game on!

At the antiques store, I managed to scoop up an awesome vintage sterling silver trophy! Number 2 in my collection, here it is with it's "sister." Since these trophies are going for a small fortune on ebay, I felt like I hit the mother lode at just $9 for this one.

I also scored some sweet "instant ancestors" that may, or may not make it to JunkFest '09. I just love the expressions on their faces, each has a story to tell. I wonder if they ever scoured junk shops for old photos!

That's all I've got for now. Stay tuned for pictures of the JunkFest girls' road trip next week....if we can get across the Red River!!


  1. It's nice to see you have started another collection...hey, that trophy would look good under a cloche! LOL!

    Whatcha gonna do with the BINGO cards?! Do tell! Love 'em!

  2. Love your instant family! Those old pics need someone to love them. You have them displayed so clever!

  3. Your niece is a lovely bride! Glad you got to go and taste Corvallis, OR.

    Looks like you did well in the junk department. (Hey...can this trip be deducted?!) ;-) Sounds like your niece may have some of her aunt's junking genius in her.

    If we ever get a true Spring here, wouldn't some tulips be gorgeous in that trophy! Or even your little green sprig. ;-)

  4. We love Corvallis! My middle son was being recruited by Oregon State, so we made a few trips down there! Of course when you are with a car full of guys there is no way they are going to stop to go junkin!! I missed out,but it is a darling town.

    Funky Junk Sister #2

  5. Cassie - what a beautiful bride! And, I love those bingo cards - they remind me of my grandma...she was a big bingo player. And those trophies are awesome - I agree - tulips would look great in them! Looks like it was a fun trip!


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