
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Play time...

Hey, Mother Nature, what's up?! What crawled up your crawdad and made you such a moody thing this year???!! NO MORE SNOW. NO MORE ICE. NO MORE DULL, DRAB LIFELESS WINTERISH DAYS. I won't allow it, I forbid it. Sure that would be sweet to have the power to make it happen. Wish for the sunshine and the green grass and poof! they appear. Well, Old Girl, you're not gonna stop us! The JunkFest Girls are coming out to play!!!


  1. Defying Mother Nature? You musta had your wheaties girl.

  2. Daffodils...a sure sign of spring! Did you grow those?

  3. LOVE the tulips and daffodils!!! Pret-ty!

    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!!!

  4. Hope you girls have a good junking/play this from the Wikipedia...the postal service creed - fits so perfect for us junkers too:

    "And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds. Ever." :)

    Isn't it the truth?? LOL

  5. Yes, I love the flowers too! The tulips were from my sweetie pie for Valentine's Day. The Daffodils are blooming in my kitchen right now...cut bundles for my nephew's school fundraiser. Not sure how they'll look when I get home from the "junkabout" but I have the pictures to remind me how lovely they are.

    And seriously, I don't hate Mother Nature, nor would I want to cross her...


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