
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Repurpose...

I was looking around in the thrift store this week and came upon this interesting looking old thing. The owner said in the "olden days" it used to hold bread for toasting...really?
Okay, that seems logical. So, I married this new find (by the way, it cost a mere $1), with my glass cake plate to give it height...
...and came up with a new picture holder, for displaying old photo's.
The little girl is my grandmother! Story is she swallowed a straight pin when she was two and her parents thought she would die from it, so they took her to a photographer and had her picture taken (this one) to remember her by! Well, the good news is the pin passed (yikes) and she lived to be 91!I love this! What do you think?


  1. The owner of the thrift store was right, it was used to hold bread for toasting. Great idea for reuse,I'll be on the look out for one of these old bread holders.
    I just love the picture of your grandmother, how sweet that you still have it and a story to boot.
    Great Post1


  2. Holy fabulous union batgirl! I walked right by that in said thrift store yesterday! Jeez.

  3. Wait a minute, I think I was in said thrift store yesterday too! Came out empty handed. Jeesh.

    You're such a clever girl...cause your idea is super fabulous! And so glad you Grandma pooped the must get your cuteness from her!!

  4. Oh this brings back memories, we used our toaster when we went camping! Nothing like toast over the Coleman outdoor stove!

  5. OMG!! I love it, wish I had the one still that my family used when I was a little girl and we camped all the time. GREAT IDEA! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!

  6. Love it, my brain will not think up things like that!! Janna

  7. I love what you did with your toaster.... The day after I saw this post I found one of my own at a garage sale... different style but it was great to know what it was. Not sure how I'll use mine yet!


  8. Oh my gosh..........what a super idea! We actually have one of these toaster thingys in our camping stuff (Coleman still makes them). We don't use it for toast (it's a pain) so I might have to "borrow" your picture idea. Or maybe I'll study it for a while and see what I can come up with.


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