
Monday, May 11, 2009

Picture Perfect

Just had to show you one fun find (of many) I managed to load up on at The Round Barn Potting Co. in Andover, MN owned by Lori Miller. We didn't get a chance to meet Lori in person, but man alive we loved her store! Holy cats, it was great! It was EYE CANDY galore! Lori is obviously one talented lady and has an eye for the "good" stuff and displaying it so stupendously!
I found these blocks at her store and just HAD to buy them. Since they're numbered, immediately I thought of my two baby boys! Ha! So, here is #1 born son and #2 born longer my "baby boys", but teenagers. The blocks hold a small photo of each one participating in their favorite sport...sitting right next to their school picture. Aren't these blocks just perfect for adding another photo layer?Or, these versatile cuties would be neat holding a favorite recipe. I took a few recipe cards of my mother-in-law's when her daughter and I went through her belongings (Joyce passed away nearly 20 years ago). So, another option for the blocks is shown here in our kitchen; a photo of Joyce and me at my bridal shower, along with one of her handwritten recipe cards.So, make the most of your keepsake photo memories and display them! Happy Monday!


  1. LOVE the way you cleverly display the fun cubes!! And the recipe and picture with your MIL are priceless!!

  2. Sweet M
    Love the way you used my numbered blocks...too bad you don't have 8 kids you could have bought the whole set..hehehe. Remember, I ship if you decide to have more kids. :))) L

  3. Sorry Andrea that comment was to you...It's just too early, or maybe it was the margaritas last night that is fogging my brain.


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