
Friday, May 8, 2009

It's genetics!

Thrift stores, rummage sales, auctions, so on and so forth. I just can't get enough of them! But how does one acquire the appeal for these things that "some" might think is just ODD fun. From my earliest memories my Mom was always a fan of all of these. My siblings and I grew up in second hand clothes...and loved them (well, most of them). Many of our "treasures" were found in the bottom of the box. You know...the one more box they just had to throw in with the item she was bidding on at an auction. But, jeesh, who could turn that box never know what goodies it might hold.

We were at her side at many of those sales. I do have to admit there was a short time in my life that I rolled my eyes when she'd mention going to another thrift shop. I just didn't "get" it. But thank goodness I came to my senses!!

So here's to you, Mom. Cheers to the fun times, to the lessons learned, the shoulder offered.

Your hands so strong, but yet such a gentle touch.

I'm so glad you passed the "junkin" gene on! And when that Sweet Man-O-Mine says "You've become your Mother." I simply say THANK YOU.


  1. I am SO GLAD that Sweet Alice passed on the junkin' gene to you Missy! God Bless you Alice! Happy Mother's Day to you Missy and all the rest of you junk lovers out there!

  2. Aww! I love this tribute! Happy Mother's Day! ~Mindy

  3. Happy Mothers day!! By the way, my family of junkers call those boxes "Wonder Box" because you wonder what's gonna be in them. It's so nice to see that you love junk despite your eye rolling phase. I sometimes wonder if my little ones are going to grow up hating junk or loving it as we all do. Only time will tell I guess. Happy Junking! jojo

  4. Goodness she was beautiful! And that, my dear, she passed down to her children too. No denying it, sista!

    I remember *treasure hunting* in that one building on your family farm. Good times. And I will always remember your Mom's infectious giggle.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, Sweet Melissa! Love you, girlfriend!

  5. Your Mom is beautiful! She has the kindest eyes and the happiest smile. Happy Mothers Day to you both! I'm glad you have these special memories and the special genetics!

  6. Love the tribute to your mom! Wow, you have your mother's eyes. Hey, she was quite the babe in her younger years! :) I'm so glad you posted about her...and her love of junk too- that's just fun!

    Have a nice day remembering her and thanks for sharing this post with us! Andrea

  7. I think we should give your mom a crown and officially call her FUNKY JUNK SISTER #8!!!!!

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters

  8. What a beautiful post! I too was an eye-roller for a period of time since we rarely shopped retail. Then I finally came to my senses and think I'm now worse than my mom ever was! Hehe.

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  9. You truly do have your Mom's eyes. And also her eye for treasures. So cool the gene was passed down to you.
    I got the gene from my Maternal Grandmother as well as my Mom. I remember at a young age going to garage sales and thrift stores. My first purchase was a .05 chippy pink depression glass cup. The second was a $1.00 white porcelain sailboat tea pot which I still have on display at my cabin. I bet I was 6 for the first purchase and 8 for the second. Wow, those 40 years went fast, but I'm still junking and loving it. Poor husbands!


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