
Monday, June 15, 2009

A little hometown junk...

Normally I don't reveal my junk "sources", but this was too good not to share! On a recent visit to my hometown of Ray, ND, I was lucky enough to venture through the old Chevrolet dealership building. The severely dilapidated building will soon be torn down, and after talking to a few city officials, I was given the green light to search and explore. Funny thing was, every guy I talked to said, "Andrea, there's nothing valuable left; its just a bunch of junk". Don't you just love silly men?It's a large two story building and frankly, it smelled like a skunk on the outside, so we were kinda nervous. I was warned, "Do not go to the second floor as it could collapse under your feet". Well, of course that just made us want to check it out even more! Ha! A nephew and my oldest sister came along for the fun! So, you may be wondering...was it a little scary? Kinda. Dark? Very much so upstairs (but flashlights were in hand)! Critters? Probably. Good junk? Absolutely!


  1. OK - she didn't tell you the "whole" story....she actually tore down some wood and crawled thru a broken window. This Junk Girl will stop at NOTHING!!!

  2. Why do I believe that? Because I've been with her junking before!!! Hahahah!
    Good stuff always!

  3. Hey, great that you got to salvage those "treasures" before demolition day!! Glad you came out safe and loaded with good junk!

  4. OMGosh! Sooo green with envy! hehehe so glad you saved those treasures!

  5. Now I am just plain jealous! What a fabulous treasure hunt. I'm glad the second floor didn't collapse on you.

  6. omg!!! I'm just SO jealous!!!!
    I love the 'rest room' sign :)

  7. What an incredible 'bunch of junk'!!! Great save!

  8. What great junk! It's a good thing you did your civic duty as an upstanding citizen and helped rid the town of it's "unsightly" junk!!

  9. Fabulous stuff!!! Glad you got to go treasure hunting...and that you took along some young man power with you. (Very shy though, eh?! lol)

    Looks like a pretty cool structure underneath all of that tar paper *brick.* If this were in a large city...some group would rescue it and create lovely and expensive studio lofts/apartments. ;-)

  10. What a fun time you had Andrea. You scored big time on this great adventure. Awesome stuff.

  11. Andrea!!!!
    Please send me the rest room sign! I'll pay in blood...what ever you want!!! LOVE IT

  12. Sorry, Lori...that rest room sign is going in my 1/2 bath when I get my walls re-painted. The sign is one of my favorite things!

  13. *screaming*
    so exciting!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the junk you found!

  14. You are SOOOO my kinda gal! I love it! ~Mindy


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