
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Have you hugged a farmer today?

Well, have you hugged a farmer today? Or, at least thanked one? And I don't mean for the obvious reason, like the fact they FEED THE WORLD...I mean because they have the COOLEST junk ever...seriously, the best. And, if a farmer thinks you could possibly use some of his "junk" to make some creations for Junk Fest, you really DO want to give him a HUG!

So, here's the deal...Mr. Farmer stopped by the office a few weeks ago and said he had some stuff I may be interested in and I should stop out to his farm... So, do we all agree this long trough looking thing is cool? He also had this iron piece with lots of holes...I've got a couple ideas for it...Here's an old corn planter I can certainly give some new life to, a small little stool, and some iron grates...
The pail (you can't see the wheels in this photo) was a mop bucket. When you see it at Junk Fest it will NOT be sold as a mop bucket!I think these round deals were off an old 'em...and does anyone know what the other two things are? They are quite heavy and about 5-6 inches long. I have no idea what they are, but I know what they WILL be!
I saved the very best for last...a whole pail full of old doorknobs! I love them...chippy, some ornate, some, love, love! Just look at the pink one, HELLO! I have a fab-u-lous idea for these; they'll be made into something very unique!
So, mark your calendar for Saturday, September 12, 2009....JUNK FEST is right around the corner. Holy crap-ola, I have alot of work to do before then! Hey, Junk Sisters, I will get busy after I quit admiring my new stuff. Oh, and thanks again for thinking of me and JUNK FEST, Mr. Farmer!


  1. Well...I have one name for a girl like you..."LUCKY!" Way to go again, Andrea with some fabulous things. Can't wait to see what clever ideas you have!

  2. those doorknobs????? LUCKY girl!

    that's it... i'm going to head out and hit up every single farmer in my area for some JUNK....



    great stuff!

  3. I can see I'm going to have a farmer friend!!
    Great loot.

    barbara jean

  4. Hey lady! Did you sign up for the junk party I am having today (Thursday)? If not, you should head on over and link up...this is great stuff! Have an awesome day!

  5. yep... I hug my farmer every morning about 5:30 am... and yes.. he has tuns of junk out there in his shop... but I am forbidden to shop out there... it is HIS junk... ;)

  6. Great finds and you hit the jackpot with the door knobs...LOVIN the pink one. Can't wait to see what wonderful ideas you have for all your finds :)

  7. I agree they have the best stuff and they are usually wanted to get rid of it!!!!!!

  8. Y'all are makin a killing! Great stuff! I saw a "barn sale" sign today. Listen. There wasn't even a barn on the land. Can you say "crap sale"? Seriously. Ugh. ~Mindy

  9. Hey girls, sorry we haven't been around for awhile, but we just finished up our big Antique Show. It was awesome, we wanted to say thank you to you girls, because you were inspiration to us. The conversation we had on the phone really set this thing rolling! You are awesome. We will get to your sale one of these times! If you have time stop by our blog to check out the links to posts about The Funky Junk Sisters Show. Thanks again!

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters

  10. NICE! :) I've bought more than produce myself, from farmers... and have furnished half of my house with the fun old equipment and such!! :) I love attending barn sales! That's where my seafoam green toolbox/coffee table came from, for just two dollars! Isn't it wonderful to find treasures in the least-expected places? Yes, I give big hugs often!! :)

  11. OMG, Where is my Mr. Green Jeans? I am in love with that trough!

  12. You lucky, lucky ladies!!!! Gotta love them farmers! :) xo...deb

  13. ok, loving all of this, those doorknobs, great pictures!!!! Janna


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