
Sunday, June 21, 2009

You've hugged a, how about your Father???

"Petey" Carl Albert Beck
aka "Pete-the-Tramp-Beck"

My Dad was a pack rat...No doubt about it. In the garage, he kept a pup tent from 1965. After 1967,no one ever used it.. but he kept it "just in case". One of his favorite garage sale finds was a ship made out of cut up beer cans. He couldn't believe someone would put all that time and energy into making his eyes, it was well worth the $5.00 he paid! My mother was slightly horrified when he brought it home... but it is still in his office, he wouldn't let her throw it away.

He also loved to "tinker" in the garage.I remember going out there a lot just to see what he was working on.
It usually did not involve following any instructions. He was more of a do-it-your-own-way kind of a know, a lot of duct tape, a little string, maybe some super glue in a pinch.

He came up for Junk-Fest one year and was amazed at the amount of "junk" in my garage...I recall him shouting to my mother "Jeanette, get the camera!!" I don't think he realized the scope of my hobby until then.
I don't think I ever convinced him that, eventually, some day....I really will get to it all. (I haven't convinced my husband yet either!!)...but he understood that I had to keep all the broken bits and pieces, all the furniture, all the rusty thing-a-ma-bobs "just in case".

He was thrilled to see all of our JunkFest creations...he thought we were some pretty creative gals! He especially enjoyed watching the ladies run into the Junk-Fest building when we cut the ribbon...He said it was well worth the 36 hour drive up here!

Unfortunately, my Dad passed away a little over a month ago...but I'm sure I'll hear him giggling as the women start running into the JunkFest building this fall....and I bet he's been watching me working in my garage, giving me the thumbs up....but thinking I could just as well use some duct tape and string in my projects :)

Happy Father's Day , Dad... I think about you every day. Lynette


  1. Lynette, what a wonderful tribute to your father! You most certainly got your creative genes from him! We'll miss him at JunkFest this year.

  2. i love what you had to say about your father. no doubt is his spirit with you and feeling your "thoughts" and laughs as you celebrate the sweet memories.

    :) happiest fathers day to you and yours!

  3. Lynette, I just knew you got that touch of "packrat" from somewhere. In my opinion it's a great gene to carry on! I'm so glad I was fortunate enough to meet your Dad when he was at JunkFest...and I'll never forget his belly chuckle as we cut the ribbon and let the shoppers loose. Love all your pictures!


  4. You had real nie things to say about him and cute too!
    Thanks for sharing a personal story with us!

  5. What wonderful memories. I'm sorry for your recent loss. He sounds like my kind of man. I, too, am a packrat! ~Mindy

  6. sweet. You are so good with words Lynette. He was a lucky guy to have a daughter like you.


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