
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Deck the Halls!

Now that Thanksgiving is officially over, it's time to start Decking the Halls, don't you agree?!
Or, deck the doors, as I did! This summer I rescued this old crusty door. Yep. When I was out for a walk I eyed it leaned up against someones garage and my heart did a couple flips! It looked pretty cool from the street. I grabbed my cell, called my oldest son who was crusin' Main and made him help me load it in the vehicle before the owner could change her mind! Of course my son was appalled, but I thought it had definite possibilities!
A few days ago I taped off a pattern and sprayed the glass with frosted paint and added the vinyl letters from Hob details on it, huh?Next up: Wreath making the easy way! At this years' Junk Fest I bought a couple round grates Cassie was selling and knew exactly what one of them was going to be at Christmas. This new "wreath" is hung above the fireplace in my family room.
Very simple. No poofy ribbon. I just added a little JINGLE instead. It's tied to the rusty handle on the old grain bin door my dad saved for me. Love that dang door. It stays up all year long.
My other idea for a holiday wreath you've all seen before, but here's how mine turned out. First, I dug out an old frame I decided not to sell at Junk Fest (truly a miracle-for once I was thinking ahead!)......hung it up along with the fresh green wreath the LYO kids were selling...(the ribbon was a nice color and I didn't even have to change it out this year...) Here's where I added some "bling"...a few crystals and a couple metal numbers. The countdown to the 25th begins!Again, the end result is simple, yet pretty, don't you think?Yeah, keeping it simple - that's my goal this holiday season. Now go! Get busy and deck those halls, walls, doors, windows, etc., etc.! Have fun!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey day and a Birthday Girl!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And Happiest of Birthdays to our own Sweet Melissa! Yes, folks we have yet another birthday to celebrate here at Junk Fest!! This will be the last for a long while...promise! For once, Sweet Melissa has been framed! Usually, she's the one behind the camera, snapping up incriminating and sometimes unflattering pics of the junk girls at their finest!

Cheers to you, oh lover-of-rust, junker extraordinairre!

May your birthday be filled with all the things you love! Here's to moist turkey, lump-free mashed potatoes, gravy better than grandma's and pumpkin pie!

Thanks to all that you bring to the Junk Fest table. Your spirit, positive "can do" attitude, sense of humor and just plain junktuitiveness! Yes, I made that word up, but hey, it's her birthday!

Enjoy your day! We love ya!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

White Wednesday

It certainly appears everyone enjoyed the pictures Cassie posted last Wednesday...White Wednesday. Yes, they were grand! I told her I'd give it a try this week even though I don't have nearly the neat white collections she does (nor can I take such great pictures as she does - holy smokes girl, good job!) I do have a love for white though and it can be found throughout my house. So, here goes...

White candles...I love 'em...
I bet you can't believe I haven't been kicked out of the house for dragging all this chippy stuff in, huh?! I know, me either, but what's not to love?!!
Oh, yes. If it's white and not chippy then it's white and dusted with a tad bit of rust! Ha! I've posted some of my lamp bases before...wait till you see what I do with them for Christmas...!
And, just to see if you're paying attention, there's alot of WHITE WINE in my house too! Ha! But you knew that about me already, didn't you?! LOL! Happy White Wednesday!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My PB Knockoff

I love you Pottery Barn. Your prices? Not so much. I've been eyeballing a pharmacy-style floor lamp in the PB catalog for some time now, but it refuses to go on sale. For $299 I can get this baby:

Gorgeous, eh? Or, for a mere $199 I can select from these:

Here's a little something about me you may not know: I'm a lamp wh_re. You fill in the blank. I have a tendency to buy/change out lamps quite often. It doesn't make me a bad person. I think I sold 6 (or more) lamps at my last garage sale. When you can get lamps for $15-$20 at places like Gordman's, why not treat them like fashion accessories?
I happened across this beauty at Home Depot the other day. Notice it's shiny nickel finish? Not exactly what I was shooting for, but us junk girls know how to remedy situations like this.

Rustoleum now has an oil-rubbed bronze spray paint that was just the color I was looking for. So for $69 and a few bucks for the spray paint, this is what I got:

The above picture is a truer indication of the color. The photo below makes the lamp look more graphite in color. Either way, not the shiny nickel it once was.

Yeah, I know I need a pillow or throw for the chair. And maybe a little something on the wall. I'm getting there. I just wanted to show you my PB knock-off! What do you think?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Autumn junk style

I've never considered Autumn to be my favorite season. The thought of it preceding Winter was always a bit of a downer to me. But this year I have to admit I am so very grateful for a long comfortable Autumn.

The colors that surround Autumn have always warmed my heart. The warm earthy golds, oranges and browns can be found throughout my house. And what better way to decorate a couple little nooks in my kitchen than with the colors of the season...mixed with a bit of sweet junk.

The mix of ironstone, assorted pottery, aged wood and rusty metal are splendid. Throw in some tattered burlap and fall leaves for color...and whisper a wish that Autumn can hold on for some time.

A weathered wood caddy turned up on end makes a grand home for a bottle of wine.

Sewing machine drawers for always needed kitchen clutter storage, paired with a perfectly time-worn, craized pottery bowl.For now I'll enjoy my Autumn splendor...but I'll have the cozy fire ready...for YOU KNOW WHAT.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

White Wednesday

I love Wednesdays in the world of blog because of all of the uber-talented people who are willing to share their love of white and its many color variations and textures. I'm taking the plunge and joining in with just a few shots of my favorite things....please be patient, it's my first time!

I have an ever-growing collection of white ironstone and works with every season!

I love vintage buckles and buttons in lucite and pearl white.

I can't wait to get out my Christmas decorations and see what the next White Wednesday has in store!! For more white inspiration, visit Vintage Patina,
Faded Charm, Fiona & Twig and Amy's Vintage Cottage. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rue 54

Since the sun was shining and the skies were clear, I decided to take myself on a little drive one day last week.....a "birthday drive" if you will. I went to Harvey, ND to check out two shops I had been wanting to peruse. Que Sera is the name of a quirky little antiques/coffee shop, which I'll feature in another post. Today we're going to tour Rue 54. This shop has it all! From gourmet coffee beans, gifts, plants, fresh flowers and rustic repurposed items to some of the most fabulous wines, Rue 54 doesn't disappoint.

The display pieces were very cleverly utilized....check out the gorgeous greenery!
Here's a great storage piece, adorned with the ever-popular numbers. That weathered door in the background aint too shabby either! Or is it?

This picture doesn't do justice to the perfectly chippy aqua hue of this old trunk holding plush bath towels.

Love the color on this vintage dresser...looks great with fall colors!

For you wine lovers, (you know who you are!) there's a great selection of wines to suit every taste. I may or may not have brought home a bottle or two. Just sayin'.

Who says you can't have a barrel for a side table?

And, of course, there are candles....

I almost squealed out loud when I saw this great library ladder. But the owner wouldn't let me buy it. Rats.

I also got a little excited when I saw this dress form....I almost didn't notice that it was covered with wonderful jewelry!

This door had hints of aqua blue peeking out from under the chippy white. Looked great hanging horizontal above a rather cool fireplace!

Here's that fireplace....LOVE the fleur de lis on it! And that door.....!

Thanks for coming along with me to Rue 54. If ever you're in Harvey, its' worth the stop!