
Friday, December 4, 2009

Faux fireplace to warm your holiday.

What do you get when you challenge a bored teenager to cross an antique mirror frame, an old door, a couple closet doors, odds and ends boards and some miscellaneous trim? Answer: FAUX FIREPLACE !!!
With all the posts in blogland of wonderful Christmas decorations and ideas, I worried this post would be a bit out of place. But just imagine the cozy addition of a glowing fire at, uhm....maybe not with THIS fireplace, but we can pretend right?! Even a faux fireplace can add a certain sweetness to a room, fulfilling a warm and cozy touch that's perfect for the Christmas season.

In the blurry scurry of JunkFest preparation, I knew I wanted to re-invent this antique mirror frame into the front focal piece of a faux fireplace. Time was not on my when Middle Child (will work for food) proclaimed his boredom one fine day, I put this challenge in his lap. "Take this frame, take those boards, find some scrap wood, measure twice and cut once....a fireplace...MAKE IT SO." Off he went to the barn, tape measure in hand.

Of course, old Mom checked in on him quite often, adding suggestions and advise when needed and not. I was impressed at his handywork, might have to hire him next year!

I did finish up the fireplace after he got busy. Added some trim, a "door" mantel, and some fresh coats of paint and poly. One of the repurposed trim boards had "September 7, 1905" written on the back in pencil with a name I couldn't make out. How sweet is that!!!
This is a picture of the fireplace on display at JunkFest 2009. Soon after the doors opened it found a new home to go to. I hope the new owners are enjoying the warmth even a faux fireplace can offer for this holiday season!
**This post has been added to Mustard Seed Creations, Funky Junk Interiors, Kimba's DIY over at A Soft Place to Land....go check out all the great projects!!


  1. Hi Melissa!
    Oh my, what a beautiful job your son did on this faux fireplace! I think you just found yourself a new talent to add to the already talented group at Junk Fest! My son is always asking if he can help me with my projects, I think I'm going to start letting him! :)
    Have a great weekend,

  2. What a TALENT Middle Child is!! That is right up my alley--there's nothing more fun than creating out of a pile of old wood!! I really love it!! Great job MC!!

  3. Now that is fantastic! Kudos for sending him off on this project and bravo to Middle Child for being up to the task.
    Middle children are the BEST!

  4. How cool is have your son along side you, sharing in the JunkFest spirit! That's great! Looks like you make a pretty terrific team.

    And if I may add...perhaps Middle Son may get promoted to working for food and cashola? ;-)

    Your faux fireplace is gorgeous! I'm sure the new owners smile every time they step into the room that it's displayed in.

    Happy frigid weekend!

  5. Hey, these pictures don't do this piece justice, it was a really beautiful piece! You know, I think middle son should reconsider Agronomy as his profession and think about carpentry! Nice post! I feel warm and cozy already. Andrea

  6. Wow!!! What an awesome job your son did !!!!

  7. Hi Sweet Melissa -
    I hope you enjoy the pie, it really is delicious. I wish I could say that I'm that spotless with my oven, but truth be gotta love a self cleaning oven :)

  8. Well, it's true the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Middle child has his mama's precision skills!

  9. I agree with Cassie! Looks like Momma passed on the creative gene! I am very impressed!!!

  10. AMAZING!!! I wouldn't mind a faux fireplace. While your child is creating amazing things out of antique "junk", mine is climbing into my REAL fireplace, covering himself in soot, and then running all over the house leaving black and grey hand prints all over everything! Faux sounds good to me!!

  11. So cool! Just so cool! I'm seriously impressed (as always!)

  12. Wow! Your son (and you) did a great job on the faux fireplace. It's a great post for this time of year as it's the fireplace season. You've inspired me. I've been wanting to make one, but it's a ways down on my list -- I'm moving it up and starting on it tomorrow. Thanks.

  13. It is an AWESOME fireplace - so glad it found a good home! We do a lot of faux fireplaces - each one made out of this and that - they are so fun to make and to have! So could you tell me how you got your son to help????? Did you bribe him, cast a spell, threaten his IPod?

  14. LOVE this!!! This is going on my never ending to-do list! well done

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hats off to your son! I'm going to share this with my sons.

  17. What a fantastic job he done on it. It's gorgeous. I would probably have been tempted to keep it for myself since he made it.

  18. Are you kidding me? That's fantastic!

  19. Wow! Truly amazing and how wonderful that your son helped make it!

    Kat :)

  20. What a great idea to use your son's talent's and boredom to your advantage! He did a wonderful job and the piece looks stunning.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. oops here it goes..he did a great job- you better hire him before I do. :)


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