
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

White Wednesday

Wow! Another week, and here it is White Wednesday again! I don't have all my decorating done, but here's a peek at what I do have.

Enjoy what's left of your week!


  1. Hey, where's the picture of the tp? and the paper towels? and the dryer lint? Those are white, too, right? But your white stuff is sooooo much cooler! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey! Everything looks loverly! Oh, and the new winter background and blog header pic looks so nice! OMG I look like my mother!!!! Andrea

  3. Jenny, you show me your tp, paper towels & dryer lint, and I'll show you mine! We could do a reality post!
    Andrea, your mother is beautiful and so are you!

  4. Hey you lucky girl. I would love to know a bunch of farmers with junk laying around! Love the description in your bio! :) What a beautiful blog you have!

  5. I love your photos!!!! Soooo pretty!!
    blog: The capers of the vintage vixens

  6. Hi Andrea, your white pottery and goodies are just yummy. I'm a snowman lover... and then your chalkboard is gorgeous!! Hope you're having a great week!

  7. Thanks to y'all and a few others, I'm getting some great ideas for my "faux" mantle. That's the hardest thing for me to get ready for the holidays. I need all the help I can get.

  8. Everything looks marvelous! I'm so happy to have found you and your blog and look forward to many future visits.


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