
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you have JunkMarket Style?

Do you have JunkMarket Style? If you've never visited the site, now's the time to check out this great venue for junk ideas and inspiration galore! Sue Whitney, the brains behind this operation, has authored several books on junking, makes appearances across the country at home shows, and has even graced the stages of The Today Show.

As a contributor on the JMS site, blogging friend Kathy, a.k.a "Sylvia's Vintage Daughter" has had the opportunity to spend time with Sue and other JMS site contributors. She recently interviewed Sue Whitney and posted about it on her blog. Head on over there to learn a little more on the junker extraordinairre....AND enter your name in Kathy's giveaway!


  1. Help!I want to know how to add the picture and the names so that people can just click and go to there site? How did you do that? Magic or trickery or brains!
    smiles, alice
    Step by Step if you please!

  2. Hi Cassie! Thanks for posting about my giveaway - good luck in the just a few hours! :) Will post results by Sunday afternoon.

    Take care and stay warm!



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