
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Redneck Snowman

Ever seen one of these? Well, sure you have...just maybe not quite like this one! It's a "redneck snowman" or is it "snow deer?"

When you're married to the Great White Hunter, you just might have a few deer sheds laying around. And when you have only one or two trees in your entire country yard...well I'm guessing we're down to one tree now.....this is what you get!

Oh, and check out the wildlife in the distance! Another perk to country living? No, redneck's been there all year...hasn't moved once!!

Hope you're all staying warm!


  1. Maddie!!!!!! :) I want to hug her!!! I'd make a snowman with her any day. :) Thank you for posting this, it made my entire day!

    (Tell her that her favorite cousin loves her so much!)

  2. SNOW DARLING! or should i say so darling! She is precious. Love the horns.
    smiles, alice

  3. The decoy is cracking me up. And I do love me some deer sheds. Very creative! Maybe the snowman would like a bottle of whiskey. Hook him up already! ha! ~Mindy

  4. Oh...they're both sooooo cute!!!

  5. Awwwww....sooo cute! Love the wild animal! But weren't you frightened for the safety of the beautiful girl?

  6. Ah...two (or was that three?) very cooperative subjects! Funny!


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