
Monday, January 4, 2010

A junker's challenge...are you ready for some football?

photo source: flickr

Howdy bloggers! I'm suffering from blogger's block. Ever happen to you? I thought perhaps I might post a rerun from the past, but didn't know if that was legal here. So, here's what I'm thinking: with the most important winter event rapidly approaching, we should all put our thinking caps on. What is the most important winter event you ask? Superbowl....duh (insert sarcasm here)! If you feel the way I feel about football, then you know that the highlight of the superbowl is not the game, it's the commercials. Don't get me wrong.....I do enjoy watching the game...okay, commercials....but if you're hosting the party, the best part is using all those junk tricks you've been hiding up your sleeves to serve the snacks on. Here's where the challenge comes in. We want to see your creative tableware! Will you serve your chips 'n salsa from an old hubcap? Or your chili in a vintage chamberpot? Okay, maybe not...but let's see whatcha got! Need inspiration? Check out Andrea's previous post here.
In a couple of weeks, I'll check back with some ideas of my own. And....if I can get the McLinky thing figured out you can share your ideas with blogland too!


  1. You did it! Wow! Looks awesome! You did it! OK, hmmm.... what did you actually write? I just got all excited. Actually it doesn't. I always have about 12 things to write about...all of them ridiculously inane but do I care? Nooooooo.... ha! I got nothin' creative for serving any type of food whatsoever. But please, please, don't serve chili in a chamberpot. I wrote a blog about that actual subject...

  2. 'tis me again. And since you're all the upgrades maybe consider turning off your word verification. You can still do comment verification if you worry about spammers. Just a thought!

  3. Gracious...I'd better come up with something more than paper plates!!!!

  4. Hmmmmm. I'm watching a bowl game right now, maybe that will inspire me. Hmmmm.


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