
Friday, January 1, 2010

Which one are you?

I find myself being the "you too" part of many statements. You know, "Have a Happy New Year!" To which I respond "you too!" Or "Have a great weekend", to which I respond "you too!" The list is endless...."have a nice day", "you look nice today", "take care now", and on and on and on. I feel so fortunate to be the recipient of good wishes and compliments, but at the same time I find myself to be a smidge slow in dishing them out to the well deserving people around me. Therefore, my response is usually...."YOU TOO!"

So my New year's resolution is not exercising more, not losing weight. (although they SHOULD be at the top of the list) Let's be realistic here! I'm going to aim my resolution at those around me instead of at the ever widening shape of my dear old body.

So my wish to YOU is to have a blessed year of togetherness, love and laughter...and throw in some good junk for good measure! And let's all take more time to wear those slippers, relax, and spend time with good friends.

Which one are you? The well wisher....or the "YOU TOO!"????


  1. YOU TOO!! Thanks for the good wishes! What a great resolution.
    BLessings to you,

  2. The "Well Wisher", maybe it comes with age and having Grandbabes, LOL! Everyone deserves to be wished a good day!

    Have a good day!

  3. I'm the same way, that sounds like a resolution I need to join in on.

    Wishing you a very blessed and Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog and LOVED the Junk-Fest last September. I plan to make it a yearly trip. A question.........I enjoy the first song on your playlist....Hallelujah. Who is the singer? Zachariah who? I'd be grateful for any help in locating his music. Love the harmonies! Anne

  5. Happiest of New Years to all of you in blogland!
    Anne, I found the song Hallelujah on I know nothing about the artist other than it is listed as Zachariah. Perhaps you could google it, or search on Amazon. Good luck!!
    So glad you enjoyed JunkFest! See you in Sept!!

  6. Mmmhmmm....especially love the slippers and good friends part! Happy New Year!

  7. I love this post, Missy! What a terrific and insightful resolution. Kind of a "Random Act Of Kindness" movement. Remember that? Gosh...was that in the '90s or was it the turn of the 21st century? Hmm...guess it needn't go away.

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  8. I'm so glad you enjoy the WW theme and wishing you much happiness in 2010.

    Take care,


  9. Happy 2010! Here's to all the good things you mentioned!!


  10. I'm a split personality... I am a well wisher and a 'you too-er'

    It reminds me of my parents (this whole post), growing up they'd say 'I love you' to one another and the other would ALWAYS respond ...'Me too,you' They would say this to us kids too. I've only made it more a habit since my kids have gotten older.

    In a way that makes me a 'you too-er'

  11. Hmmmm...I think I'm more a well-wisher!

    Happy New Year to my junk sisters and all of you followers and fellow bloggers! Here's hoping we all find lotsa great junk in 2010!


  12. I am just a talker! I can talk to anyone about anything, especially junk! Hope your new year is bright with health and happiness. Oh yes, and about that diet and too!

  13. I hope to be the "well wisher", :)

    Happiest New Year to all of you lovely ladies at JUNKFEST!


  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog and joining! I love this blog and the music that plays... sometimes after reading your most current post I leave your tab open for the MUSIC!

    I found you thru


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