
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do You Remember this Cool Junky Lamp?

This is a post my dear Junk Sista Cassie did a while back. It is such a jaw dropping recycle/repurpose/ trash to treasure...I just HAD to bring it back and show it off!

Just wanted to share with you a lamp I constructed for my 10 year old daughter's room. I was at an auction sale a while back, where an acquaintance won the bid for a box of interesting items, one of which I had my eye on. When I asked if he could part with this particular piece, he generously gave it to me. (Thanks Justin...if you're reading this!) I knew immediately what I wanted to use it for. I'm guessing it was part of some farm machinery, perhaps an auger cover of some sort.

Because I cannot remember to take "before" pics, you'll just have to envision it a slightly rusted silver color. I spray painted it black. I also found a (new) curvy metal plant hanger that got a fresh coat of black paint as well.

I had previously purchased a hanging lamp kit from Lowe's, so I just had to notch out about an inch of metal on one end of the auger where the light kit clipped perfectly into. (gotta love those dremels!) I found velum paper at a craft store, as well as some star shaped the pattern in the paper! I used fishing line to tie the crystals to the bottom end of the auger. With Gorilla super glue, I glued the velum to the inside of the auger, securing it with clothespins until dry.
I still need to make a cord cover with some black fabric or something that coordinates in her nuclear green room, but I love how it turned out...and so does she!

Have you placed your votes over at SYTYCD yet? Time is running out...this weeks polls close Friday evening! Results will be posted Saturday, and then on Sunday week 3 will begin again with a new theme. Don't miss it...this contest is FULL of inspiration!


  1. Cute! I have a somewhat similar project I am showing next week from my daughter's room. Ok girls, you know I love you. And it is out of love I must tell you that your blog is one of the slowest to load. I am not sure if it is the music or the background or what. Because I love ya, I am patient to wait for it, but others may not be. Now, my computer is a dinosaur, so it may not be that way for everyone, but just thought you may want to know.

  2. Ooo. I am loving this and thinking MY 10-year-old would want one of these too!

  3. You women never cease to amaze me! I love the light and am now going to be searching for something similar to do for my 9 year old's bedroom! BTW - I am busy buying lots of rusty stuff on weekends. My husband is really into it too. We are having so much fun making things new (or not . . . just displaying them as is in some cases).

    Also - your blog is loading fine on my computer, but Sneaky Momma Blog has a post on how to check how fast your blog is loading. It is really helpful! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  4. I can't believe you thought of that! I fancy myself a "creative" person, but I never would have come up with something like this. Thanks for linking on my blog! Great job.

  5. Simply stunning! What a great project, so glad you posted the pics of the new lamp. I have a good imagination, so the before pic wasn't necessary, but would have been fun to see! I have a relatively OLD computer, but we boosted it up with another Gig of RAM, so your blog loads just fine for me.

    The Wicker Woman®-Cathryn Peters


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