
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Whisperwood Cottage and Junkologie

On a quick junking trip to MN last year, we (the JunkFest girls) had the privilege of meeting Amy, of Whisperwood Cottage and Junkologie. This wasn't just a first time introduction for us. In person it was...but Amy had introduced herself to us earlier in the year. Through blogging we had found a connection, a common love of junk, and a friendship. Meeting her in person was just the icing on the cake. She was everything we imagined, and more. Her sweet smiling personality that shines out from her blogs was even brighter in person. Her photography had a way of speaking before her words were even read.

From left to right in the picture: JunkGirl(Andrea), Amy, Cassie, SweetMelissa(Missy).

Then even more to our surprise, we were asked to be in a contest... ALONGSIDE the talented Amy!! What an honor! To our dismay, and shock!, Amy was eliminated this week by an extremely narrow margin in the votes.

We'd like to give a shout out to Amy. Her blogs are fabulous and once you visit you will surely want to go back!! So check her out at Whisperwood Cottage and Junkologie. Here are a few pictures of her most recent contest entry, which you can see more of at SYTYCD.


  1. Bravo! Amy's style is right up my alley and speaks to me. She's one in a million. :)


  2. I agree...Amy rocks!! All of you ladies rock!!

  3. I have met Amy too, and she is awesome! And VERY talented. I LOVED her last contest entry and am completely shocked that she's been eliminated. So nice of you guys to give her a supportive shoutout.

  4. I can't wait to meet Amy in person as when I go to Minnesota in May....also on my list of people I want to meet are all the junk girls!!! Hope you'll be at Art and Architecture!

  5. Ahhh, bummer. I hadn't heard that Amy was eliminated. She is everything you've mentioned and more. What a great tribute to a fabulous lady. Thanks for shouting her out.

  6. Girls! You are so sweet! What a wonderfully kind and supportive thing to do. You make me smile!! I'm so glad to know you as well. I hope to see you soon!! (Maybe in May?)



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