
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old Never Looked So Good

What a BLAST! Week 3 is upon us and we have the honor of once again participating in the SYTYCD contest. This week's project theme is OLD, and we focused on a project near and dear to our hearts by finding creative and clever ways to display cherished family photos from years gone by. Please take a few moments to browse though the contestants and see their take on this week's theme. The talent will blow your mind. While you're over at SYTYCD, don't forget to place your votes for your faves!!


The following project is #1-Old Photo Frames on the vote box this week.

"Old photographs are a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose"...Author Unknown

Displaying old photographs of loved ones and generations past has evolved into something of an art form. When it comes to photo display, we four JunkFest girls tend to take a "junky" approach in our homes and at our sales. We think there's a fun element when incorporating previously used interesting and unusual objects to show off old treasured photographs. It's a perfect combination of old and old.

In this vignette, we've displayed cherished old photos of loved ones in several different ways. Mixing and matching vintage treasures and rustic "found" items to display several photos in one area is tied together with the common elegance of black and white photos. The antique skirt marker pairs well with an old photograph of Grandma Grace. Next to it is an old store receipt holder displaying mom and dad in younger days. **To deter harming original photographs from sun exposure, we have printed copies of the pictures for displaying.
Even though we're not sure what this square metal object was, it doesn't really matter! It is now quite the show piece with snapshots of loved ones. (Perhaps in its previous life it was a receipt or invoice holder, or held cash in a bank teller drawer).

It can easily be hung on the wall, or tied to an old lamp base as seen here. Aren't the small metal numbers great? The picture holder on the right is used farm machinery at its best. The two worn-out sickle mower guards (which just happen to fit perfectly together) are repurposed to hold a photo of days gone by. On the left, the door from a post office box in its perfectly aged glory holds a treasured photo. We think it's much more interesting than a plain picture frame, don't you?

Here's a close-up showing how the mower pieces fit together.

Be creative when displaying groupings of old photos (and use copies!). Mix and match, and think outside the box regarding picture frames. You'll love the results!

Whether it's an old photograph or a great piece of junk used for displaying it...

Old Never Looked so Good!


  1. LOVE, how creative! Oh, can not wait to get my old photos out of storage! This is wonderful!

  2. Great inspiration. The old post office box door is my favorite. I always search antique shops for vintage frames to put old family photos in. Now I will be looking for alternatives thanks to your clever ideas.
    Jane T.

  3. You KNOW I love this. :) I think these objects actually highlight vintage photos. Love your collection of unique objects. I'm so in love with that U S thing. WANT! :)


  4. Those are great ideas! I LOVE that old post office box door used as a frame!

  5. while cleaning out my grandparents house today since, i spent at least an hour at my grandpa's old workbench going through drawers of tools and "stuff" - had so many fun ideas for photos so i am glad i stumbled across your post as well!

  6. So creative! I love it. Perfectly sets off those old photos.

  7. Oh how cool!! I don't have any old pictures like that so I have never even thought about how I would display them. Thanks for showing some great ideas.

  8. I have so many vintage photos and have been debating on how to display them. Thank you for the inspiration.

  9. I love these photo displays. I am a sucker for vintage photograps and this is the best way of displaying them. It really adds something to them.

  10. Girls--love this! I tuck little vintage photos all over the house. I hope to see Andrea this week since she will be in my neck of the woods. Snow is marginal for her :(

  11. Totally digging the mower parts! So clever, girls! You've put together some wonderfully inspiring ideas!

  12. :) Not signed in to blogger right now!

  13. Oh-so-clever, as usual! LOVE the mower parts!

  14. I viewed these pictures with the creative framing ideas quickly yesterday and didn't have time to comment!! Thank you for showing us your ideas...been wondering what to do with a mailbox cover that I have. blessings, deb

  15. Love these, you are uber creative! I just went through older posts and love your blog, am now a follower! Theresa

  16. very fun ideas! can't wait to go through all your older posts! thanks for sharing!

  17. I haven't seen a skirt hem marker since I was a little girl. Love all of your ideas, keep them coming!


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