
Friday, April 30, 2010

She's just another Junk Girl!

Hello JunkFest readers! I'd like to introduce you to my latest WIP (work in progress). She's not quite finished yet, but I couldn't wait to share her with you! While dress forms are certainly not a new concept, the vintage forms with the wire cages seem to be quite popular and highly sought after. They are very hard to come by in our area, so when I saw this one at a tag sale, I literally lunged after her and held on for dear life! Not sure why, as I was the only one at the sale!

Many would have turned and walked away at the mere sight of her, but I knew she had great potential. I'm not sure about her history, but I do believe she's been around the block more than once! Or quite possibly in a cat fight or two? I'm fairly certain one previous owner tried to cover her flaws with spray paint, but aborted the mission halfway through.

After peeling off as much of the paint-hardened fabric that was left on the bodice, I used a spray adhesive and some quilt batting to re-shape her. Much better, don't you think?

I had several options for recovering the body, but I chose decoupaging with old book pages. I hate the thought of destroying or altering classic works, but since I had two copies of "A Romance of Two Worlds" I decided I could part with one.

I have not read this book, but I liked the title and the discoloration of the pages.

In between coats of Mod Podge, I decided to do a little online research about the story. I was quite surprised to find that it wasn't as "romantic" as the title led me to believe! If you've read the book, then you know what I mean...

Anywho, like I said before, she's a work in progress. I've got some more tricks up my sleeve for further adornment before she makes her debut at JunkFest.

Read here about my first dress form purchase, Marguerite. She's doing well, thank you.
I could use your help in naming this one. Perhaps we could all read the book and get a feel for "who she is?" Okay, gotta run...she's pretty, but not quite ready!

Linked to: SNS #28


  1. Wonderful idea! Way to go green!

  2. You did a great job - it looks fabulous!

  3. Love your dress form....I have ALWAYS wanted one!!

  4. How about "From Electric to Eclectic, the Passage of Two Worlds!!! What a great way to show those old book pages!!! I love your work!!! debbie

  5. I know where your dressforms sister is... She lives with me! Aren't they great? So fun for displaying jewelry or prom dresses. Great find!

  6. Lovely form....She is coming along quite the book pages about Carmen Electra? ....hehe...

    I have been playing with my Talulah Rose and Mildred Grace this week and will be posting about their adventures soon! Have fun!

  7. Very nice. I think I'll grab some wine and think about a name. Maybe Rosie. Or Rose. Or cabie, or Zin.....ha! ~Mindy

  8. Perhaps this would be a female version of Rip Torn.

  9. Really awesome. I laughed about you grabbing and holding on even though you were the only one there. I've done that a time or two myself. ha!

  10. Jenny, she grabbed on alright. There was something disturbing in the way she did it though...

  11. Dress forms are so much fun!!!

    I just told my mom this morning, she's an upholsterer in OK, to keep an eye out for me back there (I'm in OR). A "one man's trash" sort of one! Love it! Can't wait to see her finished.

    Visiting from Funky Junk.

  12. I am going to go with Maybel :)

  13. cassie,
    i love your dressform! what a great idea to cover with book cool.
    i recently acquired a vintage form and finally named mine lucyna g. she's named after her original owner. take a peak at my post in april to see her...she's gorgeous!
    can't wait to see her final "look".
    how about "rita lotta (books)" for her name...rita l for short.
    judi ;)

  14. Oooh...another?!? You lucky lady, you!

    I even like her with her batting wrap. Therefore, I'll call her Batina. lol

  15. Oh Cassie, your girl is just gorgeous!
    Dress forms are like potato chips, it's impossible to have just one. :-)

    Have a wonderful week!

  16. Love this Cassie. Wish I had seen the post before I saw you last night at dinner, as I would of asked you more about her. Love it! I was planning to decopodge my last mannequin with books pages too, but when I saw how awesome she looked with just her material taken off, I left her au natural. :) Since Carolyn found her for me, it was fitting that my new one was Carolina. :)
    Great seeing you last night! Thanks for coming to the AA/JMS event and for your support.

  17. OMG she is soooo wonderful. I can't believe you found one..I would have flown over you and grabbed her if I had been there.

    It's sooo funny how someone things "junk" and we think "inspired JUNK". Love it.

    She's wonbderful.


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