
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Whoop! Whoop!, and a Fish Tale

HooooRaahh!!!! Ohmygoodness! Count em, would ya?! Over 400 followers...WOW! So glad you've all come to see us. :-) Hope you visit often, hang around, and share lots and lots of comments...cause we just LOVE to hear from you!!

And on to the fish tale. Once upon a time...well, actually not long ago...Youngest Son (not a baby anymore!) begged sweetly requested to have his very own fishtank as a birthday gift. Well, there was a tad bit of hesitation on this one. I had been down Fish Lane before, starting with a 28 gallon, then on to a 45, then on to a 77 monster tank. After a few years I came to the realization it was ridiculous to have an aquarium larger than the couch! But being the suckers overly caring parents that we are...we were soon at the store scoping out tanks, and came home with a 28 gallon bowfront. HOWEVER, I absolutely refused to spend the outrageous price for a coordinating stand. Nope. Not gonna do it. I. Had. A. Plan.

Do you see it? It's hiding in there...look closely.

This beautiful treadle sewing machine had served it's time on the porch of a cute little quilt shop and the owner (thanks Trish) decided it was time to pass it on to new hands. It's been waiting for a while for its new purpose, and now was the time. Hubby, child, and I jumped into this project a while back, meaning...we had to TRUDGE through some very deep snow to get to the storage building. To get an idea, this door is almost 3 feet off the ground!!

Youngest Son was told he had to earn his keep on this one. Yes the tank was a gift, but there was some work to do to prepare for it. Just look at him WORK!

And the stand? Disassemble here, repair there, sand, scrub, stain, poly. TaaDaa! She's a dandy. *Note, the drawers were left behind...they had been inhabited by some furry little critters and were beyond repair. Perhaps some burlap flaps will be added later...

DISCLAIMER-- No Child Was Actually Working In These Photos. (they were totally staged...had ya going didn't I?!)

The Junk Girls will be out and about for the next few days, but we'll have some fabulous stories to tell you later about our adventure! Read all about the AA JMS event HERE.


  1. Love the stand, fabulous idea. And.... I love the snow pic! Was that recently?? Hugs, Janna

  2. haha At first -- before the caffeine kicked in and my eyes had time to focus -- I was reading *400 fish.* Now I see you're talking about followers! Congrats!!!

    Love the repurpose! I'll have to email your link to Trish.

    What a great weekend to get away! You girls have fun...and behave once in awhile. ;-D

  3. Great upcycling! It looks awesome.

  4. What a hilarious post Missy! Love it!
    So fun seeing you gals at the AA/JMS event this week and last night. Always a joy to see you 4. :) Thanks for coming down and supporting me personally as a friend. Love you all.


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