
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Latest Adventure

Last week the Junk Fest girls ventured across the border to take in the Art & Architecture/Junk Market Style's kickoff charitable gala event in Minneapolis. As you may know, the JF girls are members of JunkMarketStyle, which is a site where like-minded junkers share their projects and photos of all things junk related! This site is spear-headed by one of the true junk pioneers of our time, Sue Whitney. It is through Junk Market Style that we've acquainted ourselves with, corrensponded with, and even junked with some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet!

What could be better than pairing creative junkers with incredible art, artchitectural elements and fabulous found items? Nothing!

Here we are (Lynette, Cassie, Missy, Andrea) at the gala, thoroughly surrounded by "junk" and loving every minute of it!

There was SO MUCH to take in that I couldn't possibly begin to show you all here! Below are just some of the things that made me ooh & ahhh....

Gorgeous chippy, white architectural pieces totally make me swoon!

Fun and funky tablescapes...

Didn't get a good shot of the bajillion (honest) clocks there, but here's a sampling of their related parts! Just as incredible, if you ask me!

Being the sweet-heart that she is (not to mention best-ever lamp shade re-cycler!) Missy offers to share her beverage with a thirsty shopper. This is why we call her Sweet Melissa.

The event was held at Minneapolis' Art & Architecure 2nd floor loft. Here's a shot of A & A as you walk in the door.

Yes, still enjoying ourselves! Look at those could you not have a good time in this beautifully historic building?!

We managed to gather as many as we could for an evening meal and share some great stories. This was our chance to visit with some of the JMS members who came from afar, and reconnect with the MN locals.

Laurel, JMS's "Chipping Charm" poses with Sweet Melissa.

All the way from Ohio by car, was Kathy of Sylvia's Vintage Daughter, and her partner in crime Terry. These two were also vendors at the event and brought the 750+ clocks!

Here we have Janis of junkdreams fame, all-time best junk supporter Caroline, and Amy of WhisperWood Cottage and junkologie. Janis traveled from Canada, and Amy came from Duluth.

Of course, no trip to the Twin Cities would be complete without a three hour stop at Hunt & Gather!

Andrea and Lynette peruse the rusty metal goods outside the store...

While I perch on chippy white bench we had ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR!!

And now you see why! I think that luggage took up entirely too much room.

Well, there may not have been room for the bench, but we did manage to fit a few other treasures in! Swing out to JunkFest to see the goods!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do You Recycle?

What's the craziest thing on YOUR recycle list?

Linked to:
Edited to join:

Copy Me Challenge

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Save The Date!

The JunkFest Girls have been talkin' trash again! The power tools and paintbrushes have been dusted off from winter's lull, and plans are under way for the 6th Annual Autumn JunkFest and Flea Market.

From vintage to unique to quirky, the JunkFest Girls will be busy this summer restoring elegance to roadside finds... and you'll surely have tons of fun finding treasures for your home and garden at this one day a year, one of a kind sale! Antiques will be given a modern twist and modern items will be given a warm patina.

The Flea Market offers everything from Soup to Nuts! Seriously....SOUP, as well as other yummy treats will be offered, and for sure you'll find a NUT or two around the crowd (just look for the girls in the aprons! HA!)


Saturday, September 11, 2010
Foster County Fairgrounds
Carrington, ND, USA
Admission $5 *children free

There are several surprises in store for this year's event.....STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES!

For more info on the event please contact any or all of us by clicking on our profiles and selecting "e-mail".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Whoop! Whoop!, and a Fish Tale

HooooRaahh!!!! Ohmygoodness! Count em, would ya?! Over 400 followers...WOW! So glad you've all come to see us. :-) Hope you visit often, hang around, and share lots and lots of comments...cause we just LOVE to hear from you!!

And on to the fish tale. Once upon a time...well, actually not long ago...Youngest Son (not a baby anymore!) begged sweetly requested to have his very own fishtank as a birthday gift. Well, there was a tad bit of hesitation on this one. I had been down Fish Lane before, starting with a 28 gallon, then on to a 45, then on to a 77 monster tank. After a few years I came to the realization it was ridiculous to have an aquarium larger than the couch! But being the suckers overly caring parents that we are...we were soon at the store scoping out tanks, and came home with a 28 gallon bowfront. HOWEVER, I absolutely refused to spend the outrageous price for a coordinating stand. Nope. Not gonna do it. I. Had. A. Plan.

Do you see it? It's hiding in there...look closely.

This beautiful treadle sewing machine had served it's time on the porch of a cute little quilt shop and the owner (thanks Trish) decided it was time to pass it on to new hands. It's been waiting for a while for its new purpose, and now was the time. Hubby, child, and I jumped into this project a while back, meaning...we had to TRUDGE through some very deep snow to get to the storage building. To get an idea, this door is almost 3 feet off the ground!!

Youngest Son was told he had to earn his keep on this one. Yes the tank was a gift, but there was some work to do to prepare for it. Just look at him WORK!

And the stand? Disassemble here, repair there, sand, scrub, stain, poly. TaaDaa! She's a dandy. *Note, the drawers were left behind...they had been inhabited by some furry little critters and were beyond repair. Perhaps some burlap flaps will be added later...

DISCLAIMER-- No Child Was Actually Working In These Photos. (they were totally staged...had ya going didn't I?!)

The Junk Girls will be out and about for the next few days, but we'll have some fabulous stories to tell you later about our adventure! Read all about the AA JMS event HERE.