
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

JF '10 Evening Expo

Houston, we have landed! Seems it takes just a day or two longer each year to recover from the craziness that is JunkFest! It's all good craziness, of course! Here are just a few pics to highlight the Friday night "Evening Expo."

Bellied up to yet another incredible masterpiece by SweetMelissa, are the JunkFest girls waiting to welcome shoppers to what we hoped would be a stress-free, no hassle shopping event. According to the feedback we received, we were successful.

Lynette, Andrea, Cassie, Missy (SweetMelissa)

Missy collects tickets from happy shoppers....a bit more relaxing than the Saturday morning "shot-gun" start.

Shoppers browse the vignettes and beautiful re-purposed pieces...

This smile says it all...

A little giggling among girlfriends....always welcomed!

The eating area we set up was well utilized (although maybe a tad too small?) by shoppers eating, relaxing, and pondering their purchases.

Our "local attractions" brochure was a hit for those out-of-towners returning for more fun on Saturday...

More chatting while Andrea writes up tickets.

Another one of those smiles we love to see at JunkFest! Perhaps it was the fun artwork on this chalkboard?!

We never tire of this site! The smiles, visiting, and sometimes even the "junk" bonding!

Need I say more? By the way....these are actual shoppers...not paid actors!!

Lynette and Missy prepare to draw for one of 5 fun door-prizes....

The door prizes: Fall mums in a chamberpot, framed chalkboard, funky fall wreath on an iron stand, cloche on rusty lamp base, and a necklace from one of our favorite vendor/artisans (thanks Tamra!)

One last shot....the lucky winner of the framed chalkboard.

Thanks for tagging along....stay tuned for more pics from JF'10!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's beginning to look alot like AUTUMN...

Happy Weekend! Last night's high school football game was a great reminder that AUTUMN is here and in full force! The evening was crisp and clear (no wind - yeah!), the football field lights burned bright against the evening sky, and the smell of a burning wood stove in a nearby neighborhood filled the air. I truly adore the season of FALL. It really got me in the mood to FINALLY dig out my fall decorations!

On a recent junk jaunt, I picked up this adorable gage. Cute, huh? I thought this basket of fall leaves and Indian corn needed a little embellishing...

I've had this single sunflower for years. I think last year it sat under a cloche, but this year I hung it off center on an old crib frame and sat it on the mantel above the fireplace.

I like the graphic look of it. I just know my almost 16 year old will have something to say about a crib piece on the mantel, but I'll just remind him his job is to focus on FOOTBALL - not my decorating ideas!

Okay...I have ALOT more to dig out, so I better get my butt back to work. There'll be lots of fall and Halloween decor to come. I haven't usually gone all-out for Halloween before, but in the thrift store I happily found some great fake "web" for 39 cents a bag and have a fun idea for it - so stay tuned!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

On Your Mark..Get Set...OOPS!!

JunkFest day was a blast! And a usual. The preparations keep us busy, but the anticipation of the day keeps building and building...and in a blink it's over. :( We have such a grand time, though. The fairgrounds swarm with activity. Smiling faces. Laughter. Friends, new and old. We could spend hours rehashing the stories from visiting with fellow junk lovers.

Only two things to put a twist on the day! Those ND winds of course, and a bit of a plunder with the shotgun start. The sweetest SweetMelissa (heehee) had a bit of a misunderstanding at the gate. While opening the ribbon to let a vehicle exit, a stampede several hundred eager shoppers mistook the action as opening time. Of course I ran around squealing and flailing my arms to tell them we weren't ready! Vendors were still setting up! But to no avail. We've decided to laugh about it now, but seriously hope it didn't inconvenience any vendors or out-of-town shoppers!!

Here are only a few of the items up for sale Saturday morning taken before the day began...but didn't catch everything on film...SORRY!

I do know this as fact. Things move quickly. The Junk Hunks get it up and out in no time. So you'd better have a helper mark it sold...or it may not be there if you blink!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2010 JunkFest ... WOW!!

A fabulous JunkFest day! Complete with ...



Check out Judy's site HERE to see a slideshow of the days events. More pictures coming soon!

Monday, September 6, 2010

We're gonna have a Fine "Tine" at the Expo!

The JunkFest Evening Expo tickets are SOLD OUT.

We can't wait to spend some time getting to know some of our fellow junk lovers!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I've Been having Fun With Words!

Everything about our lives is reflected with the use of words... relationships, friendships, so on and so forth. But in the decorating/junking world, the addition of words to even a simple object can add a meaningful, fun or funky touch.

Here are "in progress" pics of some word projects for this year's JunkFest.

This one is a SuperProject. More pics and a tutorial on it later!!

What projects have you incorporated "words" into?