
Friday, November 26, 2010

Ironstone Collection in White

Collection? What constitutes a collection...having 2, or 3, or 10 of the same thing? For me, personally, the answer is having 1 or 100 somewhat similar items with a somewhat similar look.

Under that very guideline I have MANY collections, of various items. One that seems to keep popping up in my home and in my displays is ironstone. White pitchers are my fave, but I'm open to variations in size and style that catch my eye. It's all about what we love, right? There are no rules.

I recently swapped out the items in my kitchen window. Things were looking a bit too "summery" so this is what I came up with temporarily until Christmas gets incorporated.

I mixed up the white with some aged wood and old pottery.'s good to mix.

And while editing my photos, I couldn't resist trying out a sepia touch on them. Love!!

Did you notice the CHIP in my ironstone pitcher? There is not a single piece in my collection that isn't chipped, cracked, stained, or craized. I adore the character these "life" marks give my things. It shows me these items were useful and loved. And reminds me daily that only God is perfect.

Do you see that hanging light? Pretty sweet, huh?! I'm working on THAT post too...stay tuned.

My ironstone seems to pop up in random places around my kitchen.

(And, no, my counters are NOT usually this clean!)

Alas, even the bathroom has a few ironstone pitchers!

What collection keeps popping up in your house?
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  1. It didn't start out on purpose, but I seem to have birdhouses cropping up every where. All different kinds. My favorite display is on the garden gate. It has probably 10 of them hanging on it. I can't help it! They're so cute!

  2. Awesome collection! LOVE the white creamers especially. Soooo purdy for most anything. :)


  3. None of my ironstone is perfect either, but that's the way I like it! I have so much it's starting to take over the place! Lol! You've got a great collection going on there!

  4. Love your collection/s and your photos! I sometimes get so lost in your photos, that I forget what I'm even reading about!

    Hope you had a lovely birthday and Thanksgiving holiday, Missy! Happy rest-of-the-weekend to you!

  5. I adore ironstone pitchers. I have a collection (that I will show sometime on my blog) the same shape as the ones on the back of your stove top. Love all of yours! Terry

  6. Love your imperfect collections...and clean counters! ;)

  7. I love the pitcher collection in the window. That looks so pretty!
    And I love that big cabinet you have in your bath.Lovely.

  8. I love ironstone too! It is very versatile and looks great everywhere! Yours is superb!

  9. I love your light! And I actually have that same ceiling tin as my back splash but I painted it white!

  10. OH MY!! I love white!! Seriously love! And ironstone...swoon!! Thanks for the post!!

  11. Me again! I think I could just move right into your place and it would feel like home! I have white pitchers everywhere also. I started right after we got married, but couldn't afford the ironstone that I liked so much, but found mismatched cheapies at Goodwill and believe it or not, the Dollar Store! lol. Again, thanks for sharing!

  12. Love your ironstone! I collect white pitchers, too, but mostly porcelain. Your light fixture turned out so cute!!

    BTW, yours is the only blog where I find myself singing Paul Simon!! 8-) Thanks!

  13. You have a lovely collection of ironstone, chips and all, and your photos are so pretty. I just started collecting it myself and found a few pieces today.


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