
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kitchen Light Switcheroo

I told you. You didn't believe me, did you? I told you I was working on my kitchen light post...yes, I know I've promised a few other posts too. When I "get my act together" I'll get them to you. (please don't hold your breath until then!)

Here's the light we put in when we remodeled. Cute as a button...but gives off very little light. ***One of my remodeling mistakes...picking the sweetest, most adorable light fixtures...and finding out later that none of them give off much light! Uhg.

O.M.G. Yes, that is a FLY sitting (and no doubtedly pooping) on my light! SHOO fly!

So I picked up a pendant kit at Lowes. I know Mr. Sweet Man-O-Mine can handle this.

But then I questioned whether I did the right thing. I picked up the brushed nickel finish because I thought it would match the "new" old really doesn't match my earth tone kitchen with aged brass hardware.

So I pondered. To spray or not to spray? Aged copper or textured bronze?

I hate decisions.

WAIT A MINUTE!!! I almost forgot about this sweet little antique light fixture I grabbed at an antique store recently.

It's so darn cute I just want to lick it.

Ok. That was a bit of an exaggeration.

Are you ready to see the shade? The JunkFest Girls and I each fondled inspected this ?minnow trap? section while at a super secret junk haven recently. I snatched it up for a mere $3.

The spray paint can shows you how BIG it is. See?

One little issue was getting the light fixture secured in the "new" old shade. I use a metal cone shaped thingy from a cream separator thingy and wired it to stay. Forgot to snap pics at that point cause I was so danged excited to get er done!

The brushed nickel of the ceiling portion is completely hidden by the antique light fixture. All I had to do was string it through.

Uhm. Who's turn was it to do the dishes???? Darn kids.

I absolutely adore my "new" old kitchen light! I think it's safe to say it's my favorite light in the entire house. Look at the fabulous shadowing it throws at the ceiling...SaWeet!

This post linked to:

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

DIY Project Parade

Frugalicious Friday


  1. Wow, it looks great! And you cracked me up with the "so cute I want to lick it" comment!!


  2. Okay, that turned out stinkin' cute! Dang it! Why did I put that wire thingy down and walk away!?
    That has tons more character than your purchased pendant light!

  3. It's my favorite light! Great inspiration and gorgeous blog! I'm now a loyal follower!

  4. I love this!! It is so industrial chic....

    Take care,

  5. Oh cool, cool, cool! Love the shadows it casts on the ceiling! So junky-cool!

  6. This is so super cute. It is totally inspiring me to find a way to create my own fixtures above our kitchen sink. I have the same problem...cute pendents, little light!

  7. lol You are just so darned funny! Thanks for the giggle...and the tute.

    Your light is fabulous! And yes...those shadows! LOVE your whole kitchen, actually! I need you to come visit and stay a week or 13. ;-)

  8. Oh I'm so nervous to switch out lightfixtures that way... great job! Inspiration!

  9. And to think I held that deal in my hands and than put it back down!!! You were the smart one - it looks so fabulous above your sink!

    Great inspiration! Now get decorating for Christmas woman!!!


  10. I love the look of this. Tell me though, I'm affraid of doing something like this for the fear of a basically bare bulb, with not much "shade" ? But I'm sooo jealous of the look. I'm in need of changing out the old " boob " like shade above my sink! lol. Thanks for sharing!

  11. om gosh - freakin adorable. i do not possess the ability to pick up a fish catcher thingy and think "aha! Light!" it looks awesome.

  12. Hey Melissa....!

    I'm LOVIN' your new light....The shape of the 'shade' & the patina of all the elements is TO DIE FOR....!

    I'm hopin' as I type the weather over your way isn't gettin' in the way of your junkin'....I hear tell it's been FREAKISHLY cool....!

    Take care & keep warm,
    Tamarah :o)

  13. Lights are very important part in every design, I have seen many examples but non of them are as cool as these!


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