
Friday, December 3, 2010

Things my Family and I can't live without

What can't you live without? What gift inspirations do you have to share? These items may not be on YOUR Christmas list...but you have to admit, they're pretty nice to have.
Linking this post to Funky Junk Interiors!
My Blackberry is ALL THAT.
I use it daily to blog and facebook check for important messages.
Could I live without it? Yes. But a girl has her priorities.

Ok. Here's a serious one...WARMTH. Surrounding and comforting us, an essential life tool, and luxury all at the same time.

Nothing better than a real flame to stare into and let all your troubles melt away.

Aaahhh. The "family" favorite. The REMOTE! Ask them if they can live without it. Go ahead, ask, I dare you.

Didn't expect this one did you!
An essential (in my house anyway!), and why not pretty it up a bit.

Now, my Momma always said:

"Don't you ever give me something for Christmas that someone else is going to use to wipe their as...."

Well, you get the drift of what she meant, right? She was actually referring to bathtowels, but because of the comment, we wrapped up the plunger for her more than once and put it under the tree!!

And I don't know about you, but there's been many a time we're glad we have it around! Ain't it cute???

Last but not least...when all else seems so silly...all I really need is TIME.
Time to spend with family, friends.
Time to make memories.
Time to reflect how fortunate I am to have wonderful people and things around me.


  1. Love all your favorites! The TP made me laugh. Good for momma!

  2. LOL!!

    Time is the most precious gift anyone could give for certain. That's a REALLY good one and good enough to make me want to tweak my own post! Hmmm... I just may...


  3. You can even make TP look great. Love your photos. Too funny. :)

  4. ;-)
    That's me smiling after reading this!

  5. Oh my goodness - you have elevated TP to a position of prominence and I adore it!


  6. First Cristmas gift my husband gave me...TP! Seriously, it's a useful gift. :0) Of-course, that didn't keep my husband from getting into trouble that year. Fortunately for him, I have a great sense of humor. ;)

  7. So funny!

    My nanny always gave "useful" gifts such as toilet paper and paper towels. Now that I have a family, I actually would probably appreciate those essential items. We always laughed "with" her back when I was a teenager and we opened these things up.


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