
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Mantel

she's having a MANTEL PARTY!
Last year I said my decorating was going to be "simple", but I think this year is even more so.
I'm just getting started, so hang in there with me.
Do you remember my earlier post on
this crib piece? It was purchased in Minnesota for a mere $11.
I liked the simplicity of it. Here's how I fashioned it up for fall.
Pretty simple (okay, VERY simple) with a large sunflower head hung off to one side.
Now on to this season: Christmas! My original plan was to hang ornaments in the shape of a tree on the crib frame, but for kicks I just hung a few randomly to see what it would look like.I liked it!The two lights that shine on the fireplace sure bounce light off the ornaments. My family room is mainly antique white, with a chocolate brown couch and accents in Robin's egg blue. I also have a lot of rusty elements, along with a touch of green here and there, so I chose ornaments that would coodinate, of course.Then there's the little silver tree I found that adds a little more sparkle to things. I draped the base in some burlap. Sorry for the bad picture here, I took this last night.
With the lights down low, it looks so pretty!
Happy winter decorating!


  1. I love that idea! It would be cute with Christmas cards clipped to it too.

  2. What a great piece for over the fireplace. Jan

  3. Andrea, this looks great! I love the things you can do with that bed spring! Hope I get to see more of your Christmas decor!

  4. Lovely, elegant and sophisticated, yet fun at the same time. Love the colors.

  5. i absolutely LOVE it ! and the colors dont scream could stay up as a winter decoration !


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