
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Sack is a Sack is a Sack...right?

I'm linking these sweeties to Miss Funky Donna's...

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

They're not really grain sacks (like the linky theme), but coffee sacks instead. But hey, a sack is a sack is a sack, right? ;)

I hope you don't mind...this is a bit of a repost, but I just couldn't resist sharing AGAIN!!

There really isn't anything soft and cozy about a hefty piece of burlap, is there? But the charm I believe, comes from the unspoken history of a well used burlap scrap.

I had an awesome large frame and this burlap bag made the perfect fixins for a stylin' memo cork board.

And functional?! Don't ya just wanna drool all over this mattress and those pillows?

I just HAD to keep one of these bags for ME, ME, ME! I love it like I love my SaWeet Screen Door!! Check out the screen door post HERE.

What ways have you found to repurpose grain sacks, or coffee sacks?


  1. Yup, there's that cool screen door again. And I really LOVE that bulletin board!


  2. I'm actually making one of those bulletin boards today! Did you put corkboard behind the burlap?

  3. L-O-V-E the grain sacks!
    New Year blessings to all you junkfest girls!

  4. Love the screen door with the grainsack! That I believe is one of a kind. I've never seen another one anyway. So cute!!

  5. I loved your ideas so much I had to share with my readers.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


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