
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The ugly truth...

You know how everybody in blogland is cleaning out, organizing & tackling those first projects of 2011? Count me in! I'm not proud of the pictures you're about to see. In fact, "embarrassed" doesn't even come close to describing how I feel about the world seeing what I've done. Make that haven't done.

These images are of my sewing/craft/create room. The disarray you are seeing is not because of my mad & wild creating methods. No. This is the result of a lack of functional storage and...well, downright laziness. Like I had to tell you that. Please....don't judge.

My motive for showing you the ugly truth is to light a fire under my ahem and give me something to work towards. I wouldn't have had to share this with the world, but if I didn't, I just might not take myself seriously and get it done. Now that you've seen the before, I can't wait to share the after. I just hope I can get it done in 2011!

Stay tuned...


  1. *screaming with delight* I LOVE THAT YOU'RE NORMAL!!!

    Staying tuned....

  2. Wow, what a coincidence!! I have several rooms that look like this! That's another thing we have in common! (Currently the college kid's room is filled with crap, I mean...great stuff, sitting in boxes to go to the thrift store).

    I also admit the Christmas tree just got taken down...last night. Yes, my life is a mess...

  3. It's a diamond in the rough! First of all, the room is huge! Second, the desk with the corbels is amazing! Love that memo board, too! The chair is cool...just need some TLC! My favorites? The pants from 2009 and the "collection" of exercise balls! :)

  4. I did the same thing last summer...showed it all on my blog. I did feel obligated to then really do it! I had about 15 years of re-organizing to do. It took me 2 months to get really organized but I love how I can find things and go straight to work. I've been good about putting things away since I'm doing workshops now and have to keep it all stashed and easy to find. Looking forward to seeing what you do!

  5. What a great looking space and honestly, it doesn't look all that unorganized. I laughed about the pants waiting for a button! That happens here, a lot! (Sometimes I just give up and go buy something new...)


  6. Can I just say i feel a little betrayed. You promised you wouldn't show pictures of my house to anyone.


    Some friend you are.

    Cute post.

  7. Honey you don't even want to see my office. My hubby comes in an sits down and just looks around and doesn't say anything. My comments to him are there's a method to this madness and if it's disturbing you there's the door. Heck, it's disturbing me. Help! I need an office redo and some serious inspiration.~Ames

  8. Ha!! I have to post "before" pictures on my blog all the time!! That is the only way I seem to get things done!

  9. I am so relieved that I'm not the only one! Phew! Breathing huge sighs of relief. The only room that is clean is the one that we actually let company in. Wishing you luck with your project!

  10. Sitting here laughing! So glad I am not the only one with a ginormous mess! I can't even get in my workroom to take a picture. I did sit down in my chair one nite and it overwhelmed me so bad I got up turned off the light and left...not been in there since!! The fall crafts show season takes it toll....

  11. I love the honesty and can totally relate to the 2009 button. I recently fixed a tear in some pants (i'd only worn them once) that had been in my sewing room for over a year. The good news is...they were to big. Bad news is...I didn't get my moneys worth!!!!

    Oh've got 11 1/2 months to get it all done!!!

  12. Why do today what you can put off to tomorrow? That has always been my motto when it comes to the mess anywhere in my house. I have a I have a good excuse!!

  13. I'm right there with you! In fact I just sat down to answer an email but, I was in the work room trying to clean, organize... find a place for it all. Looks like you have quite a good amount of space! For folks like us that dabble in many types of projects there are always so many "categories" of "junk"! Good Luck! Know you are not alone! LOL !

  14. I took before pictures of my sewing room a few months ago but never did post them. They were too disgusting! I did make a start at organizing the room but then the holidays came and it got even worse.

    You are an inspiration. I really do need to get back to cleaning/sorting/organizing my sewing room again (sewing machine is currently on the dining room table). BTW, my walking paths are narrower than yours. Ugh!

  15. So you slipped in my house to copy my decor?! You changed it up a bit and made it your own, but I can see my influence. Looks almost identical to my workroom...shelving has been going up for months now, jewelry waiting to be finished is going out of style and I have to turn sideways to get to my work table. It just means we have dreams, and goals...right? RIGHT?:-) We'll all get the most important things done:-)

  16. You aren't alone, believe me!
    I'm constantly 'de-junking' and I still can't catch up, LOL!
    BTW, regarding the pants without a button: thread a needle and stick it in the pants. You don't even have to do the sewing right away. But if the needle is ready for you (and you have the button) you will be ready to fix that and check one item off your list!

  17. You're braver than I am! I considered posting a pic of mine so I could do a before and after, but this place is just too much of a mess! I need more storage and more time and am working on both while uncovering all the mess from rushed projects and the holidays. When I'm done, this will be one pretty, prissy, project-inspiring room! Have fun with yours!

  18. mine is much worse.. and we are moving so it's going to get really bad! :)


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