
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Garden Candy

Mary, Mary, quite does your garden grow? After a night at the Women's Ag Banquet I hope it grows JUNKY!!!

Recently the JunkFest girls were honored to have the opportunity to present to a group of Ag women about Curbless Appeal. We threw out a personal challenge to each and every one of these winter-weary-spring-craving women (and to ourselves too!) to think

"outside the box"

this year when decorating the yard and garden.

With what you ask? Well, DUH. Junk of course! Dat's what it's all about!!

(teeny disclaimer about the below pic, I'm on the left and purposely cropped 4" off my a$$ sweater, and just in case you think I've "got it all together"...I'm wearing two different socks!)

I do hope my presentation and ideas weren't too corny.

I DO have a tendency to REPEAT myself!

We put out a bit of a display and had a slide show of many junky garden idea pictures to "feed the brains" of the gals in attendance.

Our goal: INSPIRE

Cassie was unable to attend because she was in TX at the gosh dern best flea market ever! But she worked like a trooper getting things gathered and ready for the displays, and put together some SaWeet doorprizes!

Lynette did a great job getting the display up and running for the event! And answered some Q & A afterwards!

And here I am! showing a slide show and throwing out a few ideas along the way. (Like telling the farm wives to RAID their husband's shops as soon as he get out to the field! No, really! I totally mean it...there's awesome stuff out there! Be sneaky-wink, wink.) Of course I came prepared with notes, but as I expected, forgot to use them! Hey, it's just how I roll!!

I hope my presentation and ideas weren't too corny!

I DO have a tendency to REPEAT myself!

Now, before we give you just a "taste" of the ideas we threw out there...I want to give a SHOUT OUT to some fabulous gals. They let us use their pictures and one thing I can tell you...

You MUST go to their blogs, and while you're there...dig back through the posts. You won't be dissappointed, I gaurantee it!! These gals are crazy talented!

and again linking to SNS at Funky Junk Interiors

Hanging planters design: Sue Whitney, Junk Market Style.

Photo compliments of Chipping with Charm.

And lastly...and MOST importantly...enjoy the natural beauty in your yard and garden,

because it's all around you!


  1. Looks like you did a fabulous job!! Wish I could have been there to see it all in person and cheer you on!

    I am DYING to get my hands in the dirt and dig out my garden junk. I heard we are in for more snow next week and am prayin' it just ain't so!

    Hat's off to a great presentation and continuing to inspire our community with the love of junk!


  2. Missy, I know you can't remember anything you said that's all a blur when you are the one giving the presentation...but your were so funny! I only wish I had video taped it!

    Thanks to all our blogger friends for letting us introduce the crowd of 160 women to your awesome ideas, photos & blogs!! There is no doubt they were entertained and inspired!

  3. Love it! Love it! Love it! Images remind me of my great grandmothers garden.

    Romantic Domestic

  4. Hi ladies...looks like it went well! I was honored to have some photos included. I have do doubt that you entertained those ladies with your amazing ideas and witty commentary..wish I could have been "a fly on the wall" to see it too :) Chat soon, Laurel
    PS...can't take credit for the cheese mold plant hangers, that was a Sue Whitney creation I photographed at FMUG...crazy cool, huh?!?

  5. Thanks for letting me know, Laurel! Sue is such a creative genius! Those cheese molds are fabulous!

  6. Looks fab, dabulous!! I am SURE your presentation was amazing...wish I could have been there!

  7. Oh, Missy, I KNOW you did a great job! And the display looked awesome! I bet you inspired a lot of ladies that night. So when's your next gig?

  8. Hey, only creative, cool people repeat themselves.

    I am enchanted with that typewriter. Clever, clever, clever.

    Hey, only creative, cool people repeat themselves.

    I bet this was an amazing presentation. You look beautiful. Quit picking on yourself, K?

    I haven't heard yet if I've won the trip there, but I just know they're going to be letting me know any day.

    Oh, and if I didn't mention it earlier.

    Only creative, cool people repeat themselves.

    Just saying.

  9. LOLing at Jenny above! So cute!

    Wow what a collection of inspiration! I'm sharing this to the Wit facebook page, my personal page and then emailing a few individuals who I know will appreciate the ideas. I sure did!


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