
Friday, April 8, 2011

My One Day Texas Dream

Yep! I did it! I finally got to Texas for the infamous "Antiques Week" and made my way down to Zapp Hall! Just like my post title says...I had ONE day to spend at the show, so I had to make it good! Now that I've been there, I know better! Next time I'll spend a week....and take a trailer!

The reason I came to Texas is this beautiful, silly, crazy girl below! She's my niece and lives in Austin. I talked my sister, mother & daughter into taking a little trip to see her and managed to convince them that we should take in the antiques show. I didn't have to try to hard to convince them....they're just fun like that! The weather was a bit overcast and drizzly on our way to the show, but that never stopped any die-hard junker I know! Driving through Texas hill country was beautiful! There were vendors spread out for miles. Seeing this Round Top population sign made me laugh...I was pretty sure I had already passed at least 77 people in the last 1/8th of a mile!

By now I was getting a little excited! Ok, that's not true....I woke up excited! Following this truck was just enough to really get my adrenalin going.

Here's a question: Where's this dude gonna put his purchases? Who goes to an incredible show like this on a bike? Seriously.

Still driving. By now I'm about to grab the wheel and just pull over somewhere. Anywhere. Everywhere.

But I knew my time here was limited so I tried to be patient until we got to Zapp Hall. Where the stars are...

We finally get to our destination, park the vehicle and start wandering. I may have had a little more spring in my step than the's hard to say....they were so far behind me! I knew I was in for an interesting day when I spotted this sign:

With the words from the above sign still fresh in my mind, I run into this fellow. You may be familiar with his face....or his pose.

That's's Cat Daddy. And his better half, Debbie from Talking Trash. O. M. G.

But wait...there's more! It's Mindy! From the Primitique! With her boyfriend David, who put on his last clean shirt just for this occasion! Get out!

Wait again! It's her....the one-and-only Red Neck Chic Robelyn! By now I'm a tongue-tied idiot, unable to do more than stare at these blog celebs! All right here in the same venue....and right in front of me! I came to this show hoping to meet a handful of people from blogland that I love following. Now here I was in front of them and didn't quite know what to do with myself! So, I chatted a bit with each of them, asked some questions and basically tried to absorb it all....while wondering where my family went and if I'd ever find them again!

Below is a shot from Mindy's space. Don't know what it is, but I know I've never seen one before!

The makings of a creative mastermind...

I was noticing that there were a lot of naked body parts around. I guess in Texas they call them gypsies. Who knew?

There's no shortage of cowboy boots in Texas!

Down south they like to tell it like it evidenced in the next photo...

This next booth caught my eye. Rust and bling all wrapped up into one beautiful fixture!

So, I'm casually strolling along when I spot Theresa, from Garden Antqs Vintage! Yahoo! I wanted to see her booth meet her too!! I got a 2-for-1 'cause along came Sue from Vintage Rescue Squad. This was turning out to be the BEST. DAY. EVER.

Sue, Theresa

Here's a little eye candy from Theresa's space:

After drooling all over Theresa, I thought I better get moving along. Still not sure where my family is, but pretty confident they're ok wherever they are....

Something pink catches my eye....but then, it'd be hard to miss the Junk Gypsy wagon! This must be what they brought all the naked body parts in!?

I've never seen pink awnings, but I think I need to get me some.

By now I'm getting kind of hungry....and a bit confused as to where I am....I've always wanted to see Paris....just didn't know I was this close!

I stopped to ask these ladies to point me in the direction of Royer's Cafe....but they weren't talkin.

Whadda-ya-know....there's my sign. I just got in line behind the lady in shorts. Sometimes it's good to be a follower.

I finally found Royer's Cafe AND my family! We grabbed some lunch and settled in to listen to the most incredible group of men singing....the Harbor Light Choir. These guys were incredible! And who should be rockin' the house, but Mindy herself!!

Mindy wasn't the only one stirrin' up the crowd! The trio-of-trouble below belted out some tunes while bustin' a move as well! You'll just have to wait for the movie to see that!

daughter Sydney, niece Kelsey, chauffeur extraordinaire Allison

My mom was quite a trooper! She had pneumonia, but you'd never know it! She's not one to miss a good time!

Me, Mom, sister Joni

My only purchase so far....body parts! I was just tryin' to get ahold of myself. And yes, I did have a beer. Maybe 2.

Our time here was drawing to a close, but Debbie pointed me in the direction of Gloria's spot, from Sweet Pea Collection. Here's the view on the way:

And here's Sweet Pea Collection. NOT a disappointment!!

This was truly one of the most memorable junkin' days I've ever had! I am so thrilled to have meet these incredible people and see how they do junk "Texas-style!" Be sure to click on each of their links to check out their blogs...and maybe catch some more shots of the show! See ya all next year!


  1. Looks like a place I would be in trouble in. Can't take it all home! I'd like to see it sometime. I can tell everyone had a good time!~Ames

  2. Great post, I'm so sorry I missed you!


  3. Sounds like quite an adventure, may just have a couple of junk sisters tucked in your suitcase next time! I'm drooling.

  4. Cassie, I would have loved to meet you. All the girls I went with work great fun and loved junk, but they are not bloggers and couldn't understand as we were going down the road and I was about to pass out as I screamed Clutter, Ex.ccess, Round, they caught the fever, though! I'm so glad you got to go!

  5. I doubt I will get to Texas but you have me convinced that I NEED to make it it Minnesota.

    How great are you to make those rounds in one day and meet so many of our blogging heros.

  6. LOVE that you were able to go and take such sweet passengers!

    And you think one person could take more than one day of such junk heaven and stardom...really?!?!

  7. Yee haw! Sounds like a stompin' good time.

    Sorry, that was my pathetic attempt at Texas 'speak'.

  8. That was a great post. Thanks for the walk through of your trip. I will have to make a mental note for that next time I head to texas! :)

  9. WOW! Makes my heart skip a beat! I bet you had a fabulous time, even though it was for only a day!! Great photo's!


  10. So glad to meet you and yes please come back. You will need a trailer though next time :) and of course at least a week or more to see it all! Great post, T

  11. I was *wondering* why you told me you came all the way just for one day! It was a thrill to meet you. Isn't Warrenton/Round Top magical? See you there next Spring! XOX

  12. Oh Cassie I WISH we could have caught up at Round Top....It's just the BEST fun isn't it & all those WONDERFUL creative Gals ROCKIN' out their junk is just a PLEASURE to behold....Now I have TWO regrets from my time there....I didn't get to see Sue (VRS) OR yourself....NEXT TIME OK....!!!!!

    Please say HEY to the 'girls' for me....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  13. I just want you to know how gobsmacked I was when I rounded that corner and saw you! Speechless...and believe you me...that doesn't happen often.
    Loved seeing the show through your lens, but loved meeting you even more!

  14. Oh my , that looks like a whole lot of fun ! So enjoyed each photo you posted ! You were very blessed to be able to attend !!

  15. LOL!!! We do have a strange fascination with body parts...

    Girl - I am SOOOOOOO glad that I got to meet you!!! I, ME, MYSELF was star struck while talking to you! In the fall this is how it needs to happen...
    You come and stay for a whole week. With a very large van. And a trailer... maybe two. HA!

    In the meantime - I'm trying to get up in to your 'hood SOON!!! I'll bring my duct tape...

    ;-D SO glad to meet you!!!

  16. Oh.... WOW! I almost felt like I was there with you! My heart sped up when I saw the picture of the Rountop sign and kept getting faster the whole time! Maybe someday........

  17. I really need to get to Texas.

  18. Cassie - oh what fun, and Texas fun to "boot"!! It looks like you had a grand time on your whirlwind tour - so many famous bloggers to meet and so little time...and not to mention the awesome junk (and "gypsies") everywhere! I wanna go someday too!

    Hugs, Kathy

  19. What a fun day it was! And you had the whole world in your "hand"....heeheehee....

  20. wish we had places like that around here!
    love the photos!
    take care,

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