
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Nod to Nature

I'm not one to have a Christmas tree in every room of my house, but a recent find at a thrift store, and an earlier find/gift for my hunter husband prompted some "thinking" while pulling out the seasonal decor this past week. You know what happens when one gets to thinking, don't you?

I've had a small rustic/primitive tree for several years....sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't.
Earlier this summer, while visiting a local junker/picker/seller I found this wooden crate with metal reinforced sides. Both ends say "Bowman" and have some numbers on them. Since my husband is an avid bow hunter (perhaps you've heard me refer to him as the Great White Hunter?) I thought this would be something right up his alley. Just so happens my little primitive tree fits quite nicely inside.

I threw in an old broken feather wreath to help fill the crate.

Since hubs was out hunting (muzzleloader season) I snuck out to his stash of antlers and grabbed a few for the tree. Can you see 'em?

Throw in a couple of pinecone ornaments & berry sprigs.....

Add some vintage postcard looking ornaments and some faux fowl feathers (say that three times fast after a round of egg nog!)

And here's the tree, with a nod to nature and the G.W.H!

Oh yeah, the thrift store find....almost forgot to show you! You've seen lots of sweater-turned-pillow's mine! The colors were perfect for the den (a.k.a. "dead animal room"). It's the only room in the house where he's allowed to hang his...well, dead animals. Not to worry....I won't be showing you any pics of the critters.....don't want to creep anyone out!

Oops! Yes, that is an animal hide on the chair's hiding a rip in the chair seat. It is good for something!!


  1. Love it!! That feather wreath looks fabulous, and your vintage touches are terrific! My husband is a hunter too. :)

  2. Very creative! I could see this tree up at the lake house in the Adirondacks! Love it...

  3. Ohmygosh ohmygosh! Everything looks fabulous! And just the pic right previous to where you fessed up about the thrift store find, I saw the stitch pattern of the sweater/pillow on the chair and wondered "golly...wonder where Cassie got the great pillow-that-looks-like-a-sweater! Great stuff!

  4. That's a great man tree, although it is very elegant! I think any lover of hunting would love this tree! (my son)


  5. LOVE your tree! I'm crazy about the shape especially.

    I've been wanting a real tree this year but a Charlie Brown variety. I just love the tall skinny types! We lack serious room this year so I'm either gonna pull out my fake pencil tree and use that or find a real one that resembles that.

    Thanks for the perfect inspiration!


  6. How lovely. The 'bowman' box is a great idea :o)

  7. The feather wreath filler looks fab and I love the colors you used! It's earthy and gorgeous!

  8. I'm not one that loves antlers... I had to eat reinDEER the other night for dinner... I'm a bambi lover kind of girl, however, your tree...amazing! I love it! Maybe I will encourage the guys to hunt more, hehe

  9. Love the tree in your dead animal room, it fits in perfectly. My hubs used to hunt too, now he just plays guitar....honestly, I miss my venison.
    I like the hide in the chair too. Hugs-Carrie

  10. Love the thrift store sweater pillow. I also like the feathers in the tree. What a great idea.

  11. Only you could take feathers and antlers and make them look marvelous!! Awesome job!

  12. Love, love, love this tree! I live with a hunter husband and a house full of his followers, (4 boys). There might be some serious copying going on at our home. I have the tree, crate and I'm sure I can find the antlers down the hall. Thank you so much for this great idea!

  13. O.K., just showed your tree to my 2 oldest sons, and they are making plans as I write this. Thanks again!!

  14. Have I told you lately how loverly your tree is..and the pillow too! Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

  15. The tree is awesome! Has your love bucket (Great White Hunter) seen it yet?

  16. Loving the "Bowman" box...that is my last name!

    Love how you decorate..with the hunting themes and the junk! The best!

  17. It would fit perfectly in my house!!!!When you're through with it, of course.


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