Or, deck the doors, as I did! This summer I rescued this old crusty door. Yep. When I was out for a walk I eyed it leaned up against someones garage and my heart did a couple flips! It looked pretty cool from the street. I grabbed my cell, called my oldest son who was crusin' Main and made him help me load it in the vehicle before the owner could change her mind! Of course my son was appalled, but I thought it had definite possibilities! 

A few days ago I taped off a pattern and sprayed the glass with frosted paint and added the vinyl letters from Hob Lob...cool details on it, huh?
Next up: Wreath making the easy way! At this years' Junk Fest I bought a couple round grates Cassie was selling and knew exactly what one of them was going to be at Christmas. This new "wreath" is hung above the fireplace in my family room.